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feeling bored

Feeling bored?

Do you often feel you get bored or restless at various points in your life? This is characterised by feelings of boredom, not knowing what to do with yourself or what you want to do, feeling unmotivated and even feeling a bit lost or down.

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Do you have a problem with procrastination?

Do you struggle to get started? Do you wish you could sustain your motivation? Procrastination can stop you from achieving, reaching your full potential and feeling good about yourself. The journey of overcoming procrastination begins with understanding why you procrastinate — and it might not be what you expect.

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The power of resonance

How did you arrive to the life you have now? Where will you go next?
By understanding resonance we can be more aware of how inner and outer energies influence us and be better captains of our own ships.

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A Colorful Guide to Anti-Aging Foods

Discover the power of phytonutrients and the rainbow of foods that can slow aging and boost health. Optimize your diet for longevity and vitality with these expert tips.

Avoiding Trend Cycles

Creating Your Own Style And Avoiding Trend Cycles

It’s easy to be dazzled by the latest design trends, but authentically following your heart is the most rewarding way to decorate your home. Read on as interior design experts uncover the meaning of trends and share tips on discovering your personal style.

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2023: A mercury elemental year of earth

As we move into a period where Mercury accentuates the earth element, we need to re-examine the fundamental nature of earth in an attempt to hone our shared outlook

Overnight Oats

Raspberry & Banana Overnight Oats

Simple, healthy & creamy overnight oats. Perfect for the ones that don’t have time to eat breakfast or if you’re bored of plain old oats!