career pivot into wellness

Now is the perfect time for a career pivot into wellness. Here’s why…

COVID-19 has created the perfect atmosphere for a career pivot into wellness. Whether it’s a complete career change, a passionate side hustle, or even just the opportunity to try something that lights you up, Barre Body founder, Emma Seibold shares her tips for making the most of this unusual opportunity. 

Does anyone remember the great cupcake resurgence of the GFC? It was 2008, companies were shutting their doors, big-time executives were being made redundant, and all of a sudden … Bespoke cupcake bakeries were popping up on every corner. It seemed that hundreds of professionals (who had either lost their jobs or were now disenfranchised by the corporate system) all leaned right into their dreams – many of which revolved around deliciously, delicately iced baked goods.

Now I know we’re far from making it through the thick of this pandemic, but I’m going to call it. If emerging cupcake entrepreneurs defined the post-GFC world, passionate fitness professionals will be our post-COVID-19 equivalent.

The beauty of COVID-19 is that many fitness educators have brought their training online. So now you can undertake your course completely from home

Just take a scroll through your Instagram feed for the proof. There’s your neighbour, calling on her friends to join in a plank challenge. There’s your colleague, signing up to 30 days of power Pilates. There’s all of us, really, rediscovering the joy of moving our bodies, connecting with our breath, realising what a gift and a privilege it is to have our health. We’ve all collectively stopped rushing and started appreciating. And is there anything to be more appreciative of than our health

While many of us are using this time to start more consistent fitness or wellbeing practices, there is another new breed of isolation inspiration – those who have decided it’s time to make a career out of it. 

career pivot into wellness
Barre Body founder, Emma Seibold

So it’s come as no surprise to me that since lockdown, I’ve seen a whopping 400% spike in my online Teacher Training programs. As well as having a whole lot more time on our hands (except for those of us homeschooling – hats off to us all), so many women have been looking inside of ourselves and saying, “Enough is enough. Now is the time to dive into that passion I’ve left dormant for too long.”  

Whether it’s a complete career change, a passionate side hustle, or even just the opportunity to try something that lights you up, the opportunities right now are ripe for the picking. But if you’re wondering how and where to start, here are my top tips to get you started.

Create your vision

You guessed it, it’s time for a vision board … You’re designing your dream life! What vision do you have for your future and what sort of life do you want to lead? How do you want to impact your network, your community and the world around you? How do you want to feel when you wake up each morning, and as you lay your head down at the end of the working day? What gives you butterflies? Then more specifically, what career will help you get there?  

Do your training

It’s nice to dream, but let’s now get practical. Almost any career in fitness will require some training. It may be as simple as a short course, or perhaps it will be a more intensive, certified course. Do your research and ask around to see what courses will provide you with the training (and the support) you require, with a brilliant reputation to set you up for the best chance of success. The beauty of COVID-19 is that many fitness educators have brought their training online. So now you can undertake your course completely from home, often in PJs, while still receiving a recognised certification at the end of it all. I’d say that’s a lovely bonus! 

Discover your magic

If you’ve chosen a world-class course to undertake, then you’ll be learning much more than anatomy and repertoire. You’ll be supported to dive deep and uncover your unique style. In my world, I call this your magic, and I do everything I can to unleash it and nurture it. Because there are a thousand different ways to be a good teacher, but only one great way to be you. Think about your favourite teachers. I doubt you visit their classes because they received an A+ in class planning. They keep you coming back for more because of their spark, their playlists, their burn, their motivation … Their whole package. What does your package look like? Do the work now and you’ll not only release yourself from the traps of comparison, but you’ll know your own unique brand before you begin. 

Allow the rest to flow

Don’t allow the fear of your to-do list to paralyse you. This is the fun stuff! Where would you like to teach? (Is it your own future studio? Is it for an online brand you admire? Is it freelance from your living room or a park?) How many classes do you want to teach each week, and what schedule works with the life you want to build? Who is your ideal audience? How will you reach them? A marketing plan doesn’t need to be highly sophisticated or stressful – it can be as simple as sharing what you do on the channels that resonate with you (TikTok influencer, anyone?). Now you’ve found your magic, the answers to these questions should flow beautifully. After all, you’re exploring a career you love! 

Dream big … But be realistic

There is no denying the obvious – we’re living in a strange, scary world. And dreams of “a thriving global fitness empire” may not be realistic while we’re living with travel bans and lockdowns. But in Australia, the Prime Minister’s obvious focus on reopening fitness studios (his pronunciation of “barre” may have been the best thing to happen throughout this pandemic) shows that there will always, always be a need for spectacular fitness teachers who can deliver meaningful, life-changing classes to their clients. Will you be one who delivers them?!

I’m as desperate as the rest of us to see studios and gyms open again. But I’m also really excited to see the shake-up this pandemic will offer the industry. Teaching has always been a fantastic option for those looking for flexibility. No desk to be chained to, no 9-to-5, just a great career with tonnes of flex. Now, however, I wonder how many more flexible opportunities will emerge for clever teachers. We’ve all seen that we can (and often love) working out at home, with our favourite instructors guiding us on our phones, TVs or laptops. Will there be a rise in more fabulous fitness apps? More live streaming from home? Virtual reality classes? I can’t wait to see where these new fitness professionals take the industry. 

Far be it from me to deny the beauty of a cupcake, but my gut says that this emergence of post-COVID-19 fitness instructors will be a truly beautiful outcome. For thousands of students looking to celebrate their freedom and their health, and for the new teachers who will lead them on their journeys, while living their own dreams in the process.

Visit for more on Barre Body’s Online Teacher Training programs. 

Emma Seibold

Emma Seibold

As founder of both Barre Body and Bende, Emma Seibold is something of a force of nature. The pocket rocket blonde radiates the kind of glow that only comes from wholesome living; she clearly practices what her health-focused businesses preaches. Find her at @emmaseibold_ and

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