stairs dream meaning

The meaning of stairs in dreams

What is the meaning of stairs in dreams? Dreams involving stairs can be very confusing. You may feel like you have followed a lot of twists and turns in your mind all night, only to wake and feel like you have not arrived anywhere! This is not surprising, when you realise that dreams of this […]


The Meaning of Discovering New Rooms in a Dream

One of the most intriguing of dreams to have is of being in a house, and suddenly discovering new rooms in it that you did not know were there.  In the dream, these rooms may be a very pleasant and even exciting surprise, they may be unusually decorated or full of interesting things.  Other times, […]


How to Lucid Dream

Have you ever had a lucid dream?  One of those amazing dreams where you become aware you are dreaming while still in the dream?  These amazing experiences can happen spontaneously, and may even be so surprising that they wake you up! For many, their first lucid dream comes as the result of a nightmare, where […]

tidal wave dream: meaning behind a tsunami dream

The meaning of tidal wave dreams

Last entry I explained how water in dreams can often represent the state of your emotional or spiritual self. How then does this apply to a tidal wave dream, tsunami dream or dreams of huge waves? Tidal waves dreams often feel very stressful, creating a sense of anxiety and even mounting panic. You may be […]

The meaning of driving a car in a dream

The meaning of driving a car in a dream

When you dream about someone driving a car, you are in really rich territory to start understanding some of the fundamentals at work in your life.  Driving a car in dreams can reveal thoughts and feelings about who or what is controlling your life, how in or out of control you feel, and how clear […]