
The meaning of people in dreams

One of the keys to understanding the meaning of dreams is to recognise that most things within them are not literal, but symbolic.  This includes people.  It is a very common mistake to assume that when someone appears in dreams your dreams could reveal hidden feelings or even literal wish-fulfillment about them in waking life.  […]


Remember your dreams

Before we explore what dreams mean, let’s look at some things you can do to help remember your dreams. Some people  claim they never dream, but the truth is that everyone dreams [1], though many people don’t remember them at all, while others remember only fragments that fade quickly. If you would like to improve […]


Understand the language of your dreams

Do you often feel confused by the surreal images and bizarre story lines your dreams contain, and yet still have a sense that behind the strangeness, there is genuine meaning there? It is as if our dreams speak to us in another language. If only we could learn that language, we might be able to […]