Interval training

Interval training is a great way to spice up your cardiovascular workouts, boost your metabolism, increase your aerobic fitness and shed unwanted body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass.

Tight buns and tums for busy Mums!

Most gyms these days are kid-friendly, offering child minding facilities that allow busy Mums some time to themselves to squeeze in a workout. If your local gym doesn’t have a creche, membership doesn’t work into your budget or you prefer to be around your bub while you exercise, this is the perfect workout for you!

An eggcellent workout to burn off those Easter treats!

I hope you all had a safe and lovely Easter and indulged in just a little bit of chocolate!

I went for a morning run on Good Friday and it was lovely to see so many people out and about, starting their long weekend with physical activity. So whether you remained active over the weekend or vegged out on the couch, today’s workout will help work off those Easter treats!

Move more

The human body is a machine that is constantly burning calories from the foods we eat to provide us with energy for movement and to keep it’s systems running smoothly. When burning more calories than are being taken in, the body turns to fat stores as a source of fuel, resulting in weight-loss. Aside from slogging it out at the gym, what can we do to increase the number of calories we burn?

Felicity Daley Personal Training – Be your best “you”

This is my first blog for Wellbeing and I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and passion for fitness, and motivating you to take the challenge of becoming the best “you” that you can be!

I am a qualified personal trainer and am currently undertaking a degree in exercise and sports science, as well as an advanced diploma in nutritional medicine. I love everything related to health and fitness and strongly believe that a balanced, multifaceted approach that includes regular exercise, healthful nutrition, adequate rest and mental and emotional wellbeing is essential in achieving true “health”.