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WellBeing 203 Editor’s Letter

My eldest daughter is 17. You can read that sentence as a declaration of virile accomplishment or as a plea for help. I can assure you that it’s mostly the latter, with a modicum of hapless spectatorhood thrown in. Teenage girls have always been a potent brew but add social media into the mix and […]

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The power of Email

The statistics surrounding the number of emails we send are staggering, but getting carried away by the sheer numbers can deflect from some real, and serious, effects that emails have on you and on the planet.

Anne Casey

Anne Casey — a lyrical light

What do you get when you mix a joy for living with a belief in humanity, a sharp conscience, a passion for nature, a gift for words and the soul of an adventurer? You get Anne Casey, expatriate Irishwoman, now Australian resident of some decades, and an award-winning poet who produces heart-warming, mind-shifting work.

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The meaning behind “The Flower of Life”

In challenging times, as we deal with epidemics and war, it can be helpful to elevate your mind, and sometimes you can turn to ancient wisdom to help with that. The sacred geometry embedded in the symbol known as “the Flower of Life” has been acknowledged for centuries. From Egypt to Plato and Leonardo da Vinci, “the Flower” has been regarded as having mystical properties that can change your soul.