Yoga & Your Desires

“Enormous possibilities for health and creativity are held captive by your likes and dislikes. Inspecting your desires and attachments to food and making choices intuitively with discrimination will make your spiritual practice and every other relationship more rewarding. ”

– Yoga wisdom from Leonard Perlmutter

Now here is a man who is in touch with his mind, and unafraid to examine those desires and aversions as they float by.

As I travelled to Melbourne this week, this yoga quote reminded me of the consciousness-confronting spectacle of the hotel mini bar fridge.  Chips or chocolate?  There simply is no way to make a choice that is good for you if you are starving, and have spent the last 12 hours in intense conversation with colleagues, and are completely out of balance.  I understand why the waking wish of many women all over the planet is not so much “let me lose weight”, or “let me have great skin” but “give me more balance today”.  When life is in balance other things fall in to line. May yoga help us find balance.

BTW – if anyone can recommend a good yoga centre in South Melbourne let me know!

Thos of you struggle with food desires, and who have gone in to yoga as a strategy to lose weight will get in to this story I’ve found called “How to Lose Weight With Yoga” Click here.


Yoga Genie
Chief Bloggist, Yoga Whatever…

Yoga Genie

Yoga Genie

Restaurant reviewers find it easier to travel incognito, and so do I. I travel a lot for work and use this as an excuse check out yoga classes, yoga courses and yoga colleges around my home country, Australia. In this yoga blog, I refer to yoga centres in Sydney. I am not actually a yoga teacher, just a passionate yoga student.

I have practised yoga in the US and have done yoga courses in India but have no bias towards any yoga style. Actually, maybe I am biased to a yoga style, or at least certain methods of education applied in yoga courses, but I’ll leave it to you to find out what that is. My mission? I just want people to think a little deeper about yoga.

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