Girl walking on wet sandy beach leaving footprints in the sand at sunset time

Discover what the planets have in store for you in 2018


In 2018, planets Saturn and Pluto beam a spotlight on your vocational goals, which keep developing until April 2020. Your mind is alive with possibilities for investment and enterprise from the alignment of Mars with expansive Jupiter on January 7. In late March, and April, thorough preparation is the key, pushed forward by Aries New Moon of April 16. Since Aries Time features a retrograde (backwards) communications cycle, followed by ruler Mars going “retro”, from June 27 to August 28, nothing should be rushed. Change-agent Uranus leaves Aries, making helpful, earthy links with Saturn through August and September. Your career cycle becomes more fruitful, boosted by a Full Moon in Aries on September 25. The feminine powers of receptivity and sustenance support you, providing tools that transform and nourish.

As a Fire sign, prone to sudden bursts of energy, the more flowing rhythms of 2018 bring balance, ensuring heart health and wellbeing. A transformative thrust from April 27 through mid-May accelerates a change in roles, deepening relationships. Your ability to build security in an organic way and reach out to others with loving gentleness both flower this year. If grounded in practical work and supported by empathy, your public roles and private happiness will enter a new integrated territory from mid-November 2018.


It is a special year for Taurus with many areas of expansion, due to happy Jupiter links that stir your spirit of adventure and urge to learn more. From early January, a growing sense of personal empowerment inspires you while daily life begins to reveal mysteries that you have sensed but overlooked. April 7–24 renews this theme, with Venus in Taurus grounding your enterprising ideas in fruitful ways. It is an earthy Sun/Saturn link on April 29, followed by Full Moon on April 30, that propels you to centre stage. Sharing power and success is a key and brings the greatest rewards in September and October, when material means and your desires collude.

Jupiter, planet of opportunity, opens partnership doors in 2018 while also attracting support from inspiring friends and social causes. Your sense of being guided by your own moral philosophy is a positive force. May hosts Jupiter/Neptune links that focus these choices. Taurus New Moon on May 15 is surrounded by water and earth harmonies that invite your inner dancer to emerge. By the final phase in August, any challenges that come along require a quiet heart — they will pass. It is at your Full Moon in Taurus on October 25 when you let off steam in the best way. Enjoy.


The rhythms of 2018 offer relaxation, since this fertile, flowing year abounds in water/earth harmonies, strongest in January, April, May and September. Since you tend to overtax your sensitive nervous system with mental overload, there are healing lessons to be learnt. Stirred by Jupiter, an expanded work ethic connects to your Neptunian ideals and creative output, particularly effective from May 13 to June 6. Standout days are May 19–25 and June 2 and 6, when great clarity of vision augurs well for success. Since both Saturn and Pluto could disrupt your financial expectations this year, caution and contingency plans are essential. June 7–26 is critical. New Moon in Gemini on June 14 suggests you withdraw from unsolvable problems, resisting bad advice from reckless friends, especially from July 27 to August 18.

Befriend the “cosmic joke” in June and July and then August’s insights will show you this is a good strategy. September’s earthy harmonies can help you make an important change of direction. By Full Moon in Gemini on November 23, dreams of building a secure future with a partner are closer to your reach. Co-operation with others and gratitude for the good things of your life pave the way to a December that has many pleasant surprises.


January 2 hosts a Full Moon in Cancer and you leap into action. The pros and cons of partnership have been a major theme for years thanks to planet Pluto. Now Saturn enters your partner sign as well and wise decisions can be made, helped along by Neptune harmonies. The months when your best fact-gathering skills surface are January and April. May is your best feel-good month, great for travel. Don’t let the possible chaos of February 1 and July 28’s total lunar eclipses make you doubt yourself. The strength is with you in 2018: Jupiter and Neptune, plus other planets, bring forth your water-sign strengths of calm reflection, deep insight and canny practical sense. Your practicality is enhanced by the right partner, as is your sense of confidence. People who undercut your confident self will be shown the door this year.

Don’t let the possible chaos of February 1 and July 28’s total lunar eclipses make you doubt yourself. The strength is with you in 2018 …

With June 21’s solstice, Cancer begins with a rush of waxing Moon energy and polarising issues. You find your groove on June 23 — and continue there, even if others don’t. New Moon in Cancer on July 13 is also a partial solar eclipse, signalling a fated feel to the next 18 months. Change is easy to contemplate now. From mid-August to September 21, and early November, it is timely.


As the final year of the Leo eclipse cycle, 2018 is fateful; with numerous water and earth sign harmonies, it’s also potentially healing and pleasing. Since that potential depends on choices, January’s earthy insights offer useful resolutions. Consider how “less” may be “more” and follow only your real interests. This helps when February 1–16 hosts two stirring eclipses. February 1’s total lunar eclipse in Leo is a time to avoid stress by managing your time carefully. It is February 16’s New Moon that invites you to really begin: let the water-sign harmonies from February 18–27 carry you along the line of least resistance, and see how it feels.

With Jupiter expanding family activities and pleasures in 2018, the entry of Sun into Leo on July 23 expands feelings of emotional fulfilment. Protect that by doing less from July 25–28. Leo New Moon on August 11 is the last solar eclipse in an 18-year cycle and it supports wise decisions. It is August 13-26, and September’s helpful links between Jupiter and Pluto, that inspire you to revise your healing regime. This has implications for the way you work and habits in general, clearly adding energy and vitality to your life by December.


New Moon in earthy Capricorn on January 17 propels the practical achievements and earthy harmonies of 2018. You also begin the first stage of re-evaluating relationships. Neptune has been in your partner sign for years now, circling you between a sense of “Is that all there is?” and wildly off-the-mark ideals. Now, Jupiter connects with Neptune, expanding your daily activities and your ability to question old assumptions. Detached self-assessment enables an emotionally satisfying, as well as materially satisfying, year. Late April, May, helps you claim new sources of happiness and could also involve travel. Some dominant roles have blocked personally satisfying activities and are reframed. Together, Neptune and Jupiter are expanding your vision of the possible as well as your daily routines.

In 2018, serious Saturn adds weight to your feel-good needs. Commitment to something more receptive and mysterious, beyond just worldly roles, starts to feel like empowerment. In August and September, new satisfaction is found in the simple pleasures of living. From August 23–26 the changes you need take shape, boosted by Sun in Virgo and a Pisces Full Moon. September 7–16 takes you further, with September 10–11 and New Moon in Virgo the driving forces. In November and December, family and Home are central to your happiness.


As a Venus-ruled, partner-oriented sign, Libra understands that true wealth is that which is shared. In 2018, there are opportunities to put that into practice. Mutual reinforcement is what you seek, yet for years relationships have been subject to unpredictable shifts while Uranus has been opposite Libra. In May 2018, Uranus moves on and in August and September it makes a link with Saturn that suggests wealth creation and sharing resources in interesting new ways. With Venus in Libra from August 7 to September 9, the stage is set for love and romance but August 10–11 and 27–28 are days to protect this by steering clear of power issues.

Lover Venus makes her rare retro cycle from October 6 to November 15, easing back into Libra on November 1. Since your New Moon in Libra occurs on October 9, both money and love have retro implications: October is a time to hold off on financial commitments and do thorough research instead. November has Venus in situ all month, so November 10–15 is perfect for reviving and reinvigorating a love relationship, while November 19–21 and 26–28 are special times to move ahead with any partnerships. Any union or project that needs to end could do so on December 1.


Life is opening up in 2018; it’s the Jupiter in Scorpio effect, keeping you effervescent since November. You can capitalise on this once your energising ruler, planet Mars, joins Jupiter on January 7. Enterprise and experimentation are happy experiences. Jupiter visits Scorpio every 12 years, but the helpful links it makes are rarer: January 7–27 then April 4–23 are the first stages of initiating, then consolidating, a new enterprise, involving people you already know and trust. It will be September 2018 that brings your best chance to complete the hard work and have a self-standing entity. Physical building or building a strong management system is likely part of this empowering time.

Water-sign harmonies that begin December 2017 foster love and relationship, especially the May 16-to-June 3 repeats. August 11 to September 6 is when happy surprises and big shifts for partners feed into a new phase in existing relationships. This could also open the door on a new love interest. By Scorpio New Moon on October 25, gratitude plus a peaceful heart is the way to move forward. The shape of your life may seem volatile in late October but by early December luscious Venus is fully on your side again.


Emerging from a year that has fired you up and sometimes burnt you out, 2018 is the perfect follow-on. Now, an overload of water and earth energies is likely to boost your income and certainly your commitments. Dreams of something different, courtesy of your ruler Jupiter, easily finesse into a richer, spiritually satisfying connection with home and “family”. Active all year, this achieves structure between mid-May and Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 30. Early June, then August 9–29, allow you to complete an important reshaping of family affairs or a creative project that is home-based. Maybe both!

While money will matter in 2018, perhaps you consciously settle for less money and more personal fulfilment. This is not a bad idea, as 2018 is all about completing old cycles in preparation for extraordinary shifts to come. Potential health benefits and a long-held dream — maybe dating back to 1988, motivate changes you make between mid-August and late September. These will have vocational implications. If the changes involve creating a business, factor in a year-long wait for good results. New Moon in Sagittarius on December 7 is an extra strong impetus for courageous action because expansive Jupiter has now started its year back in your sign and adventures lie ahead.


Every 29 years, Saturn returns to its home sign Capricorn and this time it aligned with the birth of 2018, when Sun entered Capricorn. This rare synchronicity themes 2018 and makes January 2’s Full Moon/Venus alignment the perfect time to articulate your New Year resolutions. It could well be late August through September before you see the necessary changes take shape, but that’s fine. In good Capri style, nothing should be rushed, rather carefully crafted for maximum positive results.

It is from February 22 that inspiration combined with practicality starts to work for you but April, May to early June, and August, are when you really come into your own. Being more emotionally vulnerable may be a cost of this water-sign help, yet that may prove to be the best thing of all. Sharing and partnership will benefit, as will your ability to have a quiet heart. Stress is often a cost for Saturn’s children, so make the most of May and August, as healing times to enjoy the fruitfulness of the primal feminine element. Friendship, love and co-operative efforts all flower. Hold onto the insights of early November when you get to December 22’s Capricorn solstice and to the Full Moon that follows, fuelling new purpose.


Aquarius eats up big challenges but the challenge of 2018 is small: to stay focused on the present moment. Since you are a “fixed” air sign, Jupiter’s expansion of your career could evoke obsessive plans. This can work for you, yet also spell danger. Inner wounds could push you in the wrong direction. Going with the flow is the strength of water-sign harmonies but hard for your driven nature. By late 2018, the rewards of operating from a base of trust will be clear. Progress happens when you flow … and accept.

Here are some timing secrets: flow, rather than control, on January 7–27, Aquarius New Moon of February 16, and April 4–23. Likewise on May 18 to June 3, August 11 to September 18, and November 2–25. These times of harmony between the feminine elements of water and earth can help and heal. Beware excessive responses on February 4, 11 and 14, and March 24–30. Protect your energy resources on June 8–15 and July 25–28. Since July 28 is a total eclipse of Aquarius Full Moon, and the Mars cycle days of May 16, August 2 and September 19 test Aquarius, these dates all require great mindfulness.


Pisces has two “rulers”: Jupiter and Neptune. In 2018, both planets drive the water sign rush that Pisces receives. Beginning on December 8, 2017, and extending to late August 2018, heart-warming discoveries come your way. People in general are more appreciative of what you offer. From March 14 to your Pisces New Moon of March 18, the year’s theme unfolds. Don’t struggle to “take charge of your life” or benefits will be lost: your natural instincts, sense of the vastness of life and genuine warm-heartedness you bring to each situation are the strengths that can lead to a very fulfilling year.

With Jupiter in your adventure sign, travel and learning are effective choices, but so is a business boost that can free up your time by 2020. A long vocational cycle goes into its last opportunity phase for you, from August 1 to September 23. Long-term friendships may play a part. Timing is an exotic beast that Pisces understands on a gut level. You expect the changes life brings, and can accept serendipity surprises. The easy flow of January 7–27, April 4–23 and September 6–18 are perfect for business and for travel while May, August and November heal the heart in the best ways.

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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