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The Year of the Platypus

2025 is the Dreamtime year of the Platypus and is cosmically influenced by the constellation of Ursa Minor. The Stars, Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar and Alkaid, will all display an equal share of energy and spiritual guidance as they influence the importance of transforming major changes this year by clearing away everything that is not relevant or necessary in the Platypus life cycle.

Expect this year to be a time of significant endings, transitions and completions of the way you and other people think, work and live. The Platypus year will influence major modifications in immigration policies, the clean-up of displaced people in struggling war-torn countries, modernistic geopolitical trade regulations, and tariff changes with new global economic, banking and investment strategies. Freshly elected governments and politicians will influence the end of the present downward economic trends of businesses, finances, jobs, directions, and overall security obstructed by negative unions and corruption.

Expect major legislation changes within the political and legal system, tougher bail laws for offenders of crime, particularly those acts intended to cause injury, drug and or public order offences.

Global security will be a major issue throughout 2025, with an escalation against international espionage, banking and computer fraud, investment scams, child molestation, illegal transportation of migrants, organised crime, drug trafficking and government corruption.

With the year of the Platypus, care should be taken with all types of health matters. The pressure on hospitals and the medical system will increase twofold. One should not let lingering health issues continue — contact your medical practitioner and have your yearly thorough check-up. This is a year to pay fitting attention to your body due to much emotion and exhaustion accompanying your daily routine. Join a health and beauty class, participate in swimming, exercise programs, meditation, yoga, or spiritual enhancement activity. Exercise and keeping your body in good shape is recommended in the year of the Platypus to help alleviate the daily pressures of stress, depression and fatigue. Gymnasium subscriptions usually increase during the year of the Platypus as people endeavour to beat the stress created by daily routine and added personal and family responsibility.

Due to continuous high costs of living, many will experience increased mental hardship through employment responsibilities, handling personal relationships, finances, real estate and family security. Unfortunately, during the year of the Platypus, many permanent relationships or marriages tend to undergo a major change of direction through unexpected situations, and in many cases unsatisfactory relationships dissolve, creating difficulties with family settlements.

The pressure periods in the year of the Platypus usually appear during the months of January, February, May, August, September and December. During these months expect intense political issues, weather disruptions globally, with heavy snow falls, thunderstorms, extensive flooding, wildfires, seismic activity, travel hazards, cancellations, demonstrations, strikes, transport service difficulties, emergency accidents, hospital and health delays, problems with age care and community services, mental health issues and employment.

During January-April, many will consider a change in business or career, either selling up and moving on, or entertaining the idea of resigning this year from a long-standing career and retiring. Real estate will show an upsurge in sales as people decide to downsize, relocate, or sell investment properties and recoup profits. Property sales and finances will show signs of an upsurge and bank interest rates should also show an easing in interest rates during the months of June and November.

The year of the Platypus is a year of warning; be extra careful with excessive spending, gambling, or purchasing anything big and expensive. This is a year you may purchase a “lemon” as faults are common during this year, especially with the purchase of motor vehicles. Better to consider the fixing of the old and leaving the new for next year.

Careers and professions that do well in the year of the Platypus include: government, trade delegations, legal profession, trades, builders and painting contractors, hotels, resorts, travel industry, transport drivers, cafes, restaurants, cooks, bakers, butchers, mechanics, hospital and medical, teaching, librarian, linguist, columnist, hairdresser, buyers, couriers, secretaries, railroad workers, taxi driver, childcare, advertising, sales assistant, musicians, actors, playwriters, professional sports people, agriculturist, wine makers, farmers, fishing industry, veterinarians.

The year of the Platypus is excellent for those who are commencing or finishing higher or specialised education. Success is guaranteed for most. If you are considering writing a manuscript or book of your choice, you could not pick a better year to begin as you will find your mind is extremely creative. Hobbies may also interest you this year, and you may surprise yourself how talented you can be. Remember, the year of the Platypus, is a year to be yourself and let go of everything you do not need in your life. As the year progresses, you will find each month builds a stronger determination within yourself to handle any issue you may have to face. Success is yours for the taking, providing you keep up a positive attitude.

Article featured in WellBeing Predictions Almanac #10 2025

Milton Black

Milton Black

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