Growth & Change Await In Your Spring Horoscope

Growth & change await in your spring horoscope

Spring is here, bringing with it a period of long-awaited growth, energy and change. Want to know what the planets and stars have in store? Behold, your spring horoscope.

From September 6 your energy rises, with the New Moon in Virgo on September accelerating changes long awaited. Energiser Mars facilitates change via a perfect harmony with Awakener Uranus. Then September 21’s Full Moon delivers a super-productive climax; ideas bubble up and bouncing them off other people helps your vision to take form. Once Guru Mercury goes Retro on September 27, it is best to refine your support network and revisit financial considerations. From October 18 to 22, as Moon waxes to Full, goals are pushed to a rapid conclusion. Your hard work delivers results October 29 to 31 with “benefic planets” Venus and Jupiter in perfect alliance.

Maintaining a balance between conflicting needs is a delicate dance. Yet early September makes it easy, with Lover Venus and Communicator Mercury in Libra. When you see Venus resplendent, setting in the western evening sky, let it be a reminder to let go of residual anxieties. The great gift of both Saturn and Jupiter in harmony with Libra this year delivers appreciation and expands love, from September 3 to 9 and 21 to 30. The rapid development of creative ideas accelerates from October 4 to 17, boosted by a lucky Libra New Moon on October 6. The Full Moon following on October 21 is about enterprise and partnership.

Scorpio prefers to discretely approach or hide ardent desires. Yet ruler Mars harmonises with Pluto from September 4 to 9 allowing your social goals and networking skills to flower. Lover Venus enters Scorpio on September 11, fuelling any desires. Venus is now Evening Star, a visible nightly guide which energises you. September becomes even more of an action month when Mars transits Libra from September 15 to October 30; this is a time to reach out to people and family. Both October 2 and 22 will propel awakenings, which is not always easy, but if you listen, your new Scorpio season from October 23 will be transformative and ultra-productive.

After a busy, fun time from September 3 to 6, Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius begins a fresh vocational cycle. September 7’s New Moon rekindles changes that have long been unfolding. The auspicious waxing Moon between September 7 and 21 is perfect for establishing a new work–life balance. Many Air sign harmonies ease communication now and make negotiations productive. Between September 24 and October 4, you can achieve completion in many areas. Projects may seem to stall in October, so enjoy Venus in your sign, relax and socialise. The direct cycles of Mercury and Jupiter carry you forward from October 19, when all moves rapidly again.

Ruled by Saturn, you prefer to have good clear structures in your life. Early September challenges this, then after the New Moon on September 7, you achieve great potency, embracing a wider perspective. New management styles can be financially rewarding for you now and around the Full Moon on September 21; you will be able to clarify which new strategies work best. Your vocational goals are illuminated by a line-up of planets at the October 6 New Moon, yet a Retro cycle of Communicator Mercury suggests your patience will bring rewards between October 14 and 22. A plan or project hatched in April is actualised now, reaching fulfilment.

With fortunate Jupiter in Aquarius this year, and Saturn there as well, your efforts and commitment bring rewards that surpass expectations. New Moon on September 7 sets a hard work phase that could be frustrating, yet by September 21 to 30, those rewards can include very productive teamwork. Happily, from October 6 to 21, the planets are aligned to help you capitalise on collaboration. There is the potential for a wider audience for your creative efforts, going beyond national boundaries. Relationships in general mature and thrive in October. However, on October 17, 22 and 30, hold back on exerting control and evoking conflict.

Jupiter’s long passage through Aquarius offers Pisces many opportunities for spiritual renewal and for revisiting those Jupiter gifts of faith, inclusion and generosity. Happy links between Lover Venus and Jupiter on September 6 to 7 hook into a propitious New Moon in your partner sign, assisting harmony in personal relationships. By Full Moon in Pisces on September 21, Jupiter is in sync with Communicator Mercury. Now is the time to integrate the wisdom seeded in early March and evoked in the last fortnight. Energy is enhanced from September 26 to 30, which affirms the love in your life, supporting an expanded public profile from October 14 to 29.

Most notable for Aries in September is the loving self-discipline and self-witnessing enabled by Saturn and its three-way harmony. Significant dates are September 3 to 7, 21 to 22 and 26 to 30. With a sociable freedom-oriented Venus activating your spirit of adventure from October 7, and an exciting Full Moon in Aries on October 21, this is a memorable month. Since your ruler Mars travels next to the Sun in Libra, Venus guides your way into fruitful collaborations and excellent opportunities that quietly enhance your profile in the public domain. By Full Moon you will be ready to shine forth renewed, communication enhanced.

Venus-ruled Taurus loves to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. This trait is well supported by New Moon in Virgo on September 7, which has a happy awakening signature, courtesy of Sun and Uranus. Now pleasures begin a Virgo refining process that suits both your health and state of mind. Not “more” per se, but more of the life-enhancing choices take prominence from September 6 to 22. Between September 30 and October 2 Water harmonies fertilise your days with happiness. October 6 New Moon emphasises your health and hard work sector, seeding an October that expands career choices, with good habits and hard work for balance.

A productive and change-oriented New Moon on September 7 illuminates your family sector. This helps you to feel more at home in your core self while inspiring small reforms which assist that process. Clear results show by September 21 to 22. Mercury’s child is particularly sensitive to the Retro cycles, so September 27 to October 19 sees you revisit and review your love life choices. Any desire to revise a creative project is also well supported during these weeks. A new track switches you into rapid go-forward mode from October 19 to 21, as a Full Moon highlights networking, with its Air sign harmonies that naturally profile your varied skills.

The Earth and Water harmonies between September 6 to 8 evoke clear and inspiring communication, which enhances your business and personal relationships. View this period as a seed-planting time, which begins a cycle likely to produce powerful alliances. A plethora of Air sign harmonies in September and October repeatedly evoke objective logic, empowering your decisions. Full Moon on September 21 fires up adventurous plans, yet September 22 and 23 need some careful handling of difficult people. New Moon between September 26 to October 6 features family motifs which warm your heart, and October 21’s Full Moon adds another vocational boost.

Recently renewed by Sun’s return, Leo is primed to get practical and actualise some grand ideas. Between September 7’s New Moon and Full Moon on September 21, the hard background work can be a productive pleasure. Your vital energy is centred by the balance of Equinox, allowing a creative renewal from September 26 to 30. This shows results after the October 6 New Moon, guided by your commitment to independent vision. The Libran cycle serves you well as a communication boost, drawing you out of your den. Follow this urge and by Full Moon on October 21 your star is rising.


Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent

Christine Broadbent has over 30 years’ experience in her field and loves astrology for its healing and timing strengths. She offers in-person readings in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, plus phone, Skype or Zoom sessions worldwide. Christine also leads workshops and Embodied Astrology Retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Are you interested in a September 2021 Retreat on Magnetic Island? See or phone (+61) 402664101 (AU).

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