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How to rid yourself of spiritual toxicity

To be spiritually toxic is to be disconnected from your spirit. You don’t have to detox your spirit but you do need to clear away the clutter that has caused your disconnection


How to detox your Lungs

The lungs are often overlooked during a detox but along with the liver, kidneys and skin, they function as a major elimination route for toxins

Does my child need multivitamins?

Did you know that studies show that a multivitamin each day improves cognitive function of children and is just as important as them eating breakfast every day?

The paths we choose for our health

I will start by saying that the quest to conquer cancer naturally is far from an easy task. Not only is the challenge to fend off the skeptics, or stop myself becoming one, but to wade through the many choices of therapy available.


Scenting your home naturally

Air fresheners, diffusers, plug-in scents and oil burners may all lend your home a pleasign aroma, but some of these are doing damage to your health. Find out how to bring fragrance into your home safely.

Internal peace vs Anxiety & Stress

If someone asked you how your life could be described what would you say? Would you use words such as peaceful, contented, satisfying, relaxing, passionate? Or would you use words such as busy, stressed, chaos, anxiety, non stop, exhausted?


What you should know about detox diets

Detoxification programs are many and varied and trying to decide which one is the most suitable for you, let alone embarking on it, can be a daunting prospect. So here is the lowdown on your detoxifying options.

Beating the Blues – knowing depression

Most people suffer from depression at some points in their lives. Depression isn’t always the stereotype we hear about, not getting out of your pjs and staying in bed sleeping all day. Mild depression or getting the blues is something suffered by many people who just momentarily find life overwhelming and out of control with them feeling powerless to do anything about it.

Feeling Overwhelmed of Late

I remember a person explaining to me that its was all so overwhelming as no matter what channel they turned to there was always something about the floods…they just couldn’t escape it.