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Do you need a life coach?

If you have been feeling unmotivated, uninspired or powerless in any way, hiring a life coach may turn out to be the most powerful decision you could make.

How to salute the sun

Surya namaskara is a sequence of yoga asanas, better known as the salute to the sun. In virtually any yoga class you attend you can be assured you will practise surya namaskara or at least some of its core postures.

A holistic approach to natural skin care

The skin is usually the first organ to show signs of aging. How quickly this occurs depends on many factors including genetics and lifestyle. Anti aging results can be best achieved if you address your health holistically. Therefore a natural skin care should involve a healthy diet, using healing and rejuvenating qualities of botanicals in […]

Taking the natural health approach to men’s wellbeing

A large number of Australian men have high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, smoke and/or drink too much, are overweight and don’t exercise regularly, increasing their risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Although 57 percent of people now use some form of alternative medicine, findings have been similar to that for allopathic medicine with natural health practitioners observing that, for the most part, it’s women who seem more proactive about their health. But, gradually more men are realising the need to take care of their bodies and minds. Taking a natural health perspective when it comes to men’s health is a beneficial choice.

Start your New Year with yoga!

It’s a resolution we’ve probably heard before. Yoga is a perfect way to start off the new year. If you’ve practised yoga on and off, want to get more into your practice, are a newcomer or just want to know what all the fuss is about, here’s you chance. It’s the New Year and practising yoga is a resolution you can achieve easily!

Yoga for neck and shoulder pain

Neck and shoulder pain is something we’ve probably all experienced one time or another. We get it if we sleep in an awkward position, from sitting all day in front of a computer or it might be a manifestation of stress and tension.

Yoga for core strength

Yoga places great focus on the abdominal and core strength. However, there’s more to this than just achieving perfectly toned six pack. Your abdominals are literally your core – your centre – so it’s essential we keep this area strong.

Music and yoga: the perfect combination

I love music. During my own yoga practice I’ll always have my iPod on in the background shuffling between Led Zeppelin songs with 10 minute guitar solos, early 90s gangster rap and pop tunes that I’m too utterly embarrassed to name.


Grow your own vegies

There is nothing like growing, cooking and eating your own home-grown food. It’s good for the body and for the spirit!


Protect your prostate

After a man turns 50, he has a 50-60 percent chance of having a problem with his prostate. Here are some simple ways to protect your prostate and live a long and healthy life!


Wheels of fire

Cycling may have negative effects on a man’s sperm.