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How to cope with an alcoholic partner

If you or someone you love – family member or friend – suffers from alcoholism, there are simple ways to help them through the journey to sobriety.


What is Feldenkrais?

After a hard day at work it can be hard to leave your frazzled state at the door and enter your home feeling calm and peaceful. Practicing Feldenkrais movement techniques can make this transition smooth and easy.


Animal mysticism

Why did the chicken cross the road? Possibly to give you a message. Discover how real encounters with animals and dream visitations can reveal important insights.


Making peace on Earth

You don’t need a public profile or a famous name to be one of the millions of people who are slowly changing the world, making it a better place. So, what can you do?

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Help your child make the best choices

Knowing how to be a responsible adult does not arrive on one’s 18th birthday; it’s achieved gradually over years of practice in making choices both good and bad.

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They Can Be Heroes

A happy, confident child has the world at their feet, but how do we ensure our children have the skills to make their way boldly though life?


The case for organic food

While family budgets are tight, should we still be eating organic food? Is it any better for us? Why is conventional food not good enough?