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The power of pleasure

Put the self-denial on hold. Giving in to our pleasures can be a pathway to healing if we approach them with a spirit of mindfulness.


Find yourself a 21st century ritual

Feel like life is passing you by? Ritual allows the opportunity to stop and appreciate the different passages of life. Discover the importance of experiencing rituals and gain a better understanding of who you are.


Macrobiotics for longer life

Apart from teaching us the profound effect food has on our wellbeing and longevity, macrobiotics emphasises that the way we eat and affects us physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually.


Demystifying detox

Toxins and chemicals can be eliminated from the body through detoxification. Here is an overview of the history, methods, benefits, and cautions for detox.

Credit: Julia Caesar

Are you a pitta-type?

The second in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess pitta (fire) in the body.


Are you a kapha-type?

Third in our three part yoga and Ayurveda series on reducing excess kapha (water and earth) in the body.


Ageing secrets of the East

These wise and empowering Eastern philosophies will help you live longer, healthier and become more spiritually connected.


The simple daily detox

The modern detox is a great way to cleanse the mind, body and spirit. So what are the 7 steps to eliminate toxins from your life?

blissful birth

Have a blissful birth

Ayurveda’s art of obstetrics can reduce the chance of disturbance during your pregnancy. When the expectant mother is showered with love, this will filter through to the baby.


Rejuvenate your ageing immune system

As we age, our bodies are less likely to produce the immune cells we need to stay young on the inside. Learn which hormones stimulate immunity and how.