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Your guide to healthy veins

You can have healthy veins for life with some straightforward lifestyle and food choices, plus select supplements.


Gluten-free and easy recipes

Eating gluten-free, whether it’s for health reasons or simply a dietary choice, can be a daunting challenge at first. Thankfully, it’s much easier now than ever before.


Hypnotherapy: How can it help me?

To understand how hypnotherapy can help you, you need to understand how it works and what it involves. Hypnotherapy is a natural process much like the state between being awake and asleep called the hypnoidal point. It makes you more open to positive suggestions and allows you to make good changes by nudging your subconscious into the desired thought process. In this state you are completely aware of things around you but are reinforcing positive thoughts in the subconscious mind which is what drives the conscious mind in our waking state. The way you feel during a session can differ for each person but generally it makes you feel relaxed and refreshed. This makes it excellent for stress as it allows you to stop and take a break for a moment as well as teaching you new skills.


A-Z of skin conditions

It’s important to understand the nature and causes of skin problems to be able to effectively address them with the right natural solutions.

How business coaching is revolutionising the natural therapy industry

Building a successful natural therapy practice starts with the right knowledge. Business coaching can revitalise the natural therapy industry by helping more practices to ‘heal’ their businesses. The natural therapy industry is competitive. Holistic medicine, naturopathy and naturopathic medicine are just a few of the names used. As the population ages, and non-traditional medicine gains […]


The 10-minute workout

The five Tibetan rites provide a superb energy boost for the day and bring a number of long-term benefits.


Pregnancy to post-birth

Keep it simple, keep it sweet and try to enjoy every second. Here’s the ultimate beauty guide for pregnancy, baby and beyond.


Why whey could be the way to go

From waste product to well-researched functional food, whey’s popularity has had a roller-coaster ride but it’s back in the spotlight and with good reason.