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The sweet truth

Homoeopathy offers a remedy – Saccharum for people who consume excessive amounts of sugar to compensate for a lack of affection in childhood.


How to use vastu shastra in your home

The ancient science of Vaastu Shastra utilises the natural benefits of the earth’s five basic elements to create a harmonious living space that is nurturing, uplifting and just right for you.


A life without child

The decision not to enter parenthood is rarely an easy one. Childless women, in particular, face the challenge of fitting into a society that expects them to become mothers. So how, within this context, can a woman make peace with her choice?

chinese body clock chinese health clock: tcm body clock chart

How to listen to your body clock

The body clock reflects the times when there is maximum energy and activity in particular body organs. Tradtional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help you identify any areas of imbalance and restore your body’s balance.


Do you want an easier pregnancy?

The ongoing care of a female support person such as a doula can radically reduce the chance of caesarean. A doula is for your exclusive use, offering guidance, support and reassurance.


Finding the answers with Horary astrology

Horary astrology, an ancient form of divining answers by constructing a horoscope for the time a question is asked, provides fast and easy insight into queries both great and small.

Insane Drain on the Membrane: Alcohol and Adolescents

Flick the memory switch and try cast your mind back to the precise moment you were introduced to alcohol. Remember roughly how old you were? Chances are you weren’t quite the legal drinking age and you probably weren’t aware of the threats early introduction to alcohol posed to your mental and social health, just like […]


Put a Stop to Road Rage

Stop gripping the steering wheel in frustration, road rage needn’t become part of your daily commute. These easy techniques will take the emotions out of the driving seat.


Making peace on Earth

You don’t need a public profile or a famous name to be one of the millions of people who are slowly changing the world, making it a better place. So, what can you do?