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Ingrained in the human psyche is a need for community. We long to be a part of something greater than ourselves.

Everyone has issues

Something that I hear over and over from people is them wondering whether other people have the same sorts of issues that they have, is what I’m telling you “normal” or have you never heard it before? Am I a total weirdo and the only one feeling this???

Are you grounded in your body or your head?

Most people if they were honest would probably say their head. You know when you’re in your head when you think too much, can’t sleep as you are thinking and suffer from analysis paralysis. You can also tell if you are in your head if life lacks that fullness and luster that you have experienced before.

What do your teeth say about you?

Learning about your oral health and seeing a dental professional is an important part of your road to perfect health. Education and a trusting relationship with your dental team make all the difference. Dentistry, that not-so-sexy word, then becomes evocative of a certain cleanliness and confidence, a sense of ownership of your own health and only encouragement and support from those trained to look after you.

Healthy Living

Today whilst running along the beach with the wind bellowing against my face (it was very windy) looking more like Robocop than an athlete due to all my running gear, I thought everyone who can do this could at least try it. Once you get fit enough to run without sounding like you have a chronic airway disease it’s extremely enjoyable.


Why music is the key

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture, goes the old joke. But sometimes you just have to wonder about the what, the how and the why of it.


What is play therapy?

Identify the messages parents can pick up on from their child and using play therapy to help children to overcome challenges and behavioural issues.


Why we need community living

Completion can only be achieved when we engage in community life, allowing aspects of ourselves to merge with aspects of others.


Rules of power

We perceive people who break social rules as being more powerful.

Emotions – A missing link?

Two of the critical elements on the path of alternative cancer treatment are Patience and Trust. Trusting in the process.