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Natural Therapists

Uncover free student membership with ANTA

The Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) is Australia’s largest democratic association of natural therapy practitioners. We discover the many benefits of their free student membership.

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Why puppy farms are an issue

Over the last 18 months I’ve seen an increasing number of puppies presenting for their first wellness check. This should be an exciting time for new puppy carers, but sadly, too many are already unwell, due to stress, illness and poor socialisation.

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Join the Australian Natural Therapists Association today!

The Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) is Australia’s largest democratic association of natural therapy practitioners. As a practitioner, ANTA Membership will enhance your reputation as a high-quality professional within the industry.

Natural therapists Atms

How accredited natural therapists can support your health & wellbeing

Improving overall health and wellbeing is at the forefront of most people’s minds, and a natural approach is one way to do so. In celebration of Australia’s only Nautral Medicine Week, 23-29 May 2022, we’ve collated a guide to help you udnerstand what natural medicine is, how it works, the different types of therapies available and why it’s so important for Australians. 

ANTA Course Guide

WellBeing Course Guide — Australian Natural Therapists Association

Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) is committed to continuous quality improvement and providing the Australian public with the highest possible standards for the conduct and safety of our practitioners. ANTA employs an executive officer, administrative staff and is governed by a board of directors, who are all qualified practitioners in their respective modalities.

Natural Medicine 2022

4 Ways a natural medicine practitioner can support you to a healthier 2022

Accredited practitioners what the four the most common reasons a client might visit them for the first time, this is what they said. Natural medicine practitioners have a wide variety of skills focused on supporting both internal and external health concerns. Whether you want to eat better, strengthen your body or loosen muscle tension – there is a therapy and a practitioner for you!