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How your thyroid works and how you can keep it healthy

Your thyroid gland produces hormones that impact such fundamental aspects of your life as sleep, body temperature, metabolism, fertility and mood. With one in three Australians suffering from low thyroid hormone levels, we dig into how your thyroid works and how you can keep it healthy.

Seasonal Living For Better Health

Seasonal living for better health

Nature’s cycle of seasons offers a model for living your best life, one that is filled with energy, vitality and resilience. By using nature as your guide, you can learn how to attune your body to the seasons for optimal health.

10 Tips For Creating A Happy, Healthy Home

10 tips for creating a happy, healthy home

Whether you’re a Marie Kondo wannabe or a chronic mess maker, cultivating daily habits is the key to a healthier home and happier you. We share our 10 steps to a tidy home.


Ultimate Omega liquid — Thera Health

Lemon-flavoured Ultimate Omega liquid offers concentrated support for the whole body. Doctors and researchers worldwide consistently choose this focussed formula.

Concentrated Ultimate Omega delivers more omega-3’s per serving than most other omega-3 products. This means you get more support in a smaller serving.


Ultimate Omega soft-gels — Thera Health

Lemon-flavoured Ultimate Omega soft-gels offers concentrated support for the whole body. Doctors and researchers worldwide consistently choose this focussed formula.

Concentrated Ultimate Omega delivers more omega-3’s per serving than most other omega-3 products. This means you get more support in a smaller serving.

Nurturing the Female Libido — Chatting with Jess from JSHealth

What began as one woman’s mission to share her health journey in the name of helping others is now a thriving multi-million-dollar business. Jessica Sepel has remained true to her mission of helping others reach their health nirvana. Now, the nutritionist has answered the calls of her community and released a new supplement to add to her growing range: Hair + Libido.

How Natural Medicine Can Work For Your Health And Wellbeing

How natural medicine can work for your health and wellbeing

Improving overall health and wellbeing is at the forefront of most people’s minds, and a natural approach is one way to do so. In celebration of Australia’s only Natural Medicine Week, 24-30 May 2021, we’ve collated a guide to help you understand what natural medicine is, how it works, the different types of therapies available and why it’s so important for Australians.