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Wim Hoff Technique

The Hof Technique

Have you heard of The Wim Hof technique? Adherents say it improves sleep, reduces stress, raises immunity, fortifies commitment, and sharpens focus. Click the article to learn more!

Mushroom Gravy with Sweet Potato Mash

Mushroom Gravy with Sweet Potato Mash

Mushrooms are a great source of potassium, which is an important mineral for helping lower blood pressure and reducing the risk of stroke. Mushrooms also provide a good dose of selenium, which works as an antioxidant protecting cells in the body from free radical damage. Mushrooms are also one of the few plant-based sources of vitamin D that is required for healthy immune function and bones. They also contain beta-glucan, which is a type of soluble fibre that activates the immune system to help fight off infections.

Selenium Supplement Protein For Your Health

Selenium & its importance for your health

Selenium is a mineral that can assist you with everything from asthma to fertility to thyroid issues. It is an essential mineral in the body and without it you can become very ill.

You Can Beat Autoimmune Disease

You can beat autoimmune disease

Autoimmune disease tends to be viewed as a life sentence without a cure. However, as many have proved, you can recover and go on to thrive. In this comprehensive report we examine the causes of autoimmune disease and how it can be overcome.

Man kickboxing

Folate is so important for your health

Folate is an important part of your diet if you want to stay healthy. Lack of it can affect your liver, heart and much more. It is also important to make sure you absorb the folate in its purest form, if possible. If your liver is compromised already you may have problems with this.

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Five essential oils for the family

A few drops of pure essences can magically enhance your home and health. For a thriving family and humming habitat just add these five essential oils.

Ultimate Guide To Cooking Oils

Ultimate guide to cooking oils

Scouring shelves for the ideal oil can be confusing. Which oil has abundant essential fatty acids, low rancidity and a high smoke point for cooking? We take you through an ocean of oily options in this ultimate guide to cooking oils to look at the oil you need.