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iron rich food

Iron-Rich Bircher Muesli

One of the most common symptoms of low iron levels is tiredness and fatigue. Adding vitamin C-rich fruits to this breakfast increases the absorption of iron from these foods.

bone density

How to manage our bone density as we age

Bone mineral density is a measure of bone strength. The main areas of potential concern are the spine, particularly the lower spine, and the hip joint and upper femur.

Nature’s nootropics

Enter the world of natural nootropics

Would you like to enhance your brain’s performance output and have the potential to improve memory, focus, energy and productivity while mitigating stress? It sounds like an ideal proposition in the contemporary work-focused world, where time is money and maintaining a healthy life balance could use a helping hand. Enter the world of natural nootropics, inviting you to supplement your way to a sharper mind.

Perimenopause How To Handle It

Perimenopause – what is it and how to handle it?

Perimenopause happens to you because your body is starting to run out of female eggs and your hormones begin to change. It has a number of symptoms which can make you feel quite ill. Here’s how to handle it.

Exercise haters | WellBeing 200

How to stay active when you hate exercise

Like eating more greens, we know exercise is good for our body and mind. What stands in the way of getting a healthy dose of movement? How can exercise loathers develop more fondness for physical activity? We take a look.

Hair & Skin care

Nourishing hair & skin care with New Nordic

Have the cooler months left your skin dry and desperate for some hydration? Your hair lacking lustre and demanding more attention? Ours too, which is why we tested out the latest skin and hair routine from New Nordic.

Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667

Six simple ways to bring self-care into your daily life

Whether it’s moving more or eating well, here are six simple ways, provided by Paul McCann from Endeavour College of Natural Health, to insert some self-care into daily life and take better care of ourselves and those around us.