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A DIY natural body scrub

When we feed our skin nutrients from both earth and sea, our skin becomes enlivened “from the surface to the cellular level”. DIY natural skincare body scrubbing is the perfect way to rejuvenate your skin!


Natural therapies for insomnia

Do you lie awake at night thinking about your day, wishing that you could fall asleep and wondering how long it will take? Give these natural therapies a try and stop counting sheep for good!


The natural therapy of healthy eating

A wholesome, balanced diet is a form of natural therapy that can profoundly change your quality of life. Discover how to make food your body’s best friend today!


Natural therapies for hayfever relief

Spring has finally arrived, unfortunately bringing along prime conditions for sneeze attacks and hayfever. Here are some terrific natural therapies to help ease the sneeze this Spring!


Your in-depth guide to natural skincare

The skin is usually the first organ to show signs of ageing. How quickly this occurs depends on many factors including genetics and lifestyle. Find out how you can achieve healthy glowing skin naturally by downloading and reading the WellBeing’s special report.


Herbs for weight loss

The plant world offers some exciting and effective medicines for assisting weight loss and maintenance.