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Spa therapy for your hands

When it comes to external beauty it’s not only our face and body that need attention, but also extremities where the sun hits first, especially our beloved hands.


DIY home spa

Regular DIY at-home spa treatments can work a world of wonders for your health and wellbeing, without putting a dent in the budget!


Anti-ageing facial rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation Technique is derived from the wisdom of ancient Ayurvedic healers, combining the anti-ageing benefits of yoga, energy balancing, body massage, acupressure, lymphatic drainage and head massage.


Natural therapies for insomnia

Do you lie awake at night thinking about your day, wishing that you could fall asleep and wondering how long it will take? Give these natural therapies a try and stop counting sheep for good!


What is holistic kinesiology?

The natural medicine of holistic kinesiology can treat a range of ailments, including chronic pain, headaches, migraines, depression, learning difficulties, back pain, chronic fatigue, bed wetting, insomnia, and asthma.


How to control comfort food cravings

Understanding the link between brain chemistry, emotions and cravings can help you develop effective strategies to reduce the urge to reach for comfort food.


How to age gracefully

There are better ways than surgery and expensive cosmetics to counteract the effects of ageing.


Tantalising Thailand

Thailand offers unique experiences for the traveller seeking a healing spa or health retreat holiday. Recently two Australian therapists have been swapping ideas and treatments with a Thai health resort.


Your guide to choosing a massage therapy

With so many exotic styles of massage therapy to choose from, the challenge is finding the right one for you. Here are the facts to make your decision a little easier.


Exploring in beautiful Bali

It’s not all massages and monkeys in Bali, as one traveller discovered when she delved a little deeper to discover the healing heart of this incredibly spiritual island.


Weekend spa detox

A good detox goes a long way, boosting energy and overall wellbeing. Discover some simple ways to enjoy the luxury and pampering of a quality spa detox in the comfort of your own home!