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Building baby’s brain

Some natural parenting choices you can make to support and encourage your baby’s developing brain in this incredibly important stage.



BABY BOOMERS AND SAFE SEX! Looking for love online has become very popular these days, it once used to be a secret but now nobody minds anymore to admit to it. On-line dating is not only for the young, older Australians are also turning to the internet to find romance as many baby boomers find […]

We want to have a baby so why isn’t it happening?

Couples often get disheartened when after the huge decision to have a baby they find that pregnancy is just not happening. They may have found the house, have stable jobs, are part of the way paying off the mortgage and if any time was right to fall pregnant it would be now… but despite the best of efforts it just does not occur.

What I have learnt from my new baby girl…

Has your price point changed so that you are charging what you are worth?

Is your practice providing you with the lifestyle you have always dreamt of, or are you feeling frustrated by your lack of freedom?

Are you attracting A class clients, or putting up with price shoppers who don’t make you feel good as a practitioner?

Is your business and your life progressing at a pace you are happy with, or have the last four months been pretty much a replica of the previous four?

And the biggest question of all… If your next 3 to 5 years looks like the last 3 to 5 years, are you happy with that?


Baby sign language

Every parent wants to know what their baby is thinking and feeling. As a new means of communication, baby signing could be turning this desire into a delightful possibility.


Best Baby Foods

Here’s a quick guide to feeding your bundle of joy all the right nutrients for healthy growing and learning, right up to age two!