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The keys to healthy self-esteem

Crucial to a happy life, it’s time we started taking self-esteem more seriously. Under COVID the foundations of good self-esteem, including positive social situations, employability and the chance to embark on new activities and challenges, have suffered, making it more important than ever to address this fundamental issue.


Writing your Story

Current research shows that writing about yourself in a positive sense is linked to better emotional and physical health. So what’s stopping you? It’s time to find the courage to put pen to paper and write your memoir.

how to boost your emotional immunity

How to boost your emotional immunity

The second decade of the 21st century has been the era of the jab. Arguably the most commonly used word during this time has, sadly, been “vaccination”. While to jab or not to jab has caused so much controversy and division, one thing we all desire is to be immune to the insidious COVID virus that caught the world by surprise. But while we acknowledge that we can choose to get shots to ward off diseases, is there a shot that can give us immunity from sadness and stress?

How to deal with disappointment

How to deal with disappointment

Disappointment is part of being alive and by its nature disappointment is not a pleasure, but if you approach it in the right way it can be a useful part of your journey.

Life's Conflicting Emotions

How to navigate life’s conflicting emotions

You know that feeling when one part of your life is in a flat tailspin while another part is soaring to great heights? We are complex beings and capable of experiencing all the emotional seasons in one day like rain on a sunny day. Of course, this can be disorienting and draining, but the trick is knowing how to deal with life when we feel torn in two, feeling both good, bad and just a bit mixed up.

Dreaming illustration

Discover the neuroscience of dreaming

The phenomenon of dreams has fascinated philosophers and scientists for thousands of years, yet the question still lingers – what happens during dream sleep and why exactly do we dream?

Myth Of Multitasking

The dark side of multitasking

In our busy lives, multitasking seems like an efficient way to get things done, but there is a cognitive cost to trying to do everything at once.

Chiron in Aries Intergenerational Healing

The initiation of Chiron in Aries: Intergenerational healing

The Pluto-in-Libra generation are being initiated by Chiron in Aries, called to the front lines of intergenerational healing. We explore the significance of Chiron in Aries and how the planets can mend broken ties. As the 2020s accelerate the divide between old and new, the relational healing the Pluto-in-Libra generation does will have a lasting […]