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How to cope with an alcoholic partner

If you or someone you love – family member or friend – suffers from alcoholism, there are simple ways to help them through the journey to sobriety.


How to heal with journaling

Just the act of naming an emotion will help you move towards dealing with it, so imagine what writing about your feelings can do! Discover the healing power of journalling.


Healing power of Om

The mediation chant, “om”, has links with healing and creativity. Find out what is happening in your body and mind when you utter this sacred sound.


In the company of angels

Countless books have been written about them, film and TV shows are fascinated by them and a large number of people believe in their existence. So what is it about angels that has us so enraptured?


Put a Stop to Road Rage

Stop gripping the steering wheel in frustration, road rage needn’t become part of your daily commute. These easy techniques will take the emotions out of the driving seat.


Slow it Down, Just a Little!

We have been too busy for too long! The Slow Living Movement reminds us that it’s time to ease up and regain a sense of peace and control in our lives.


Making peace on Earth

You don’t need a public profile or a famous name to be one of the millions of people who are slowly changing the world, making it a better place. So, what can you do?


Guilty as a dog

Do dogs really mean it when they give you the big guilty eyes?