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Pregnancy 101

A tour through the stages of pregnancy. Following your baby’s development as it grows in your womb can be an exhilarating experience.


Finding the answers with Horary astrology

Horary astrology, an ancient form of divining answers by constructing a horoscope for the time a question is asked, provides fast and easy insight into queries both great and small.


Alchemists of Prague

Renaissance Prague was a centre of alchemy and intrigue. The city’s mystery carries on to the modern day and draws travellers from near and far to discover its secrets.

Insane Drain on the Membrane: Alcohol and Adolescents

Flick the memory switch and try cast your mind back to the precise moment you were introduced to alcohol. Remember roughly how old you were? Chances are you weren’t quite the legal drinking age and you probably weren’t aware of the threats early introduction to alcohol posed to your mental and social health, just like […]


Anti-ageing exercises

Whether the five Tibetan rites can make grey hair brown again or restore sexual potency, as has been claimed, they certainly provide a superb energy boost for the day and bring a number of long-term health benefits.

Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn

Elizabeth Blackburn has become Australia’s first female recipient of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, along with her fellow researchers Carol W Greider and Jack W Szostak. The trio won the prestigious scientific prize, awarded in Stockhom earlier today, for their discovery of telomeres. Likened to plastic tips that keep the end of shoelaces from unravelling, […]


Here Comes the Sun

It has been called a “boutique” form of electricity but, as WellBeing reports, solar power has much to offer electricity consumers in Australia.


Is there such a thing as clean coal?

Clean coal technologies are being touted as the industry’s answer to climate concerns. But is it an effective option and will it create change soon enough?


How a Health Retreat Can Help

Health retreat is the new buzz phrase in the travel industry but are they worth the money? And is good health actually attainable in one week or weekend?


Is a resort right for you?

Need a break but not sure what kind? Resorts offer a range of holiday experiences — from the sublimely restful to the madly adventurous.

Battling the post-holidays blues

Lucky me was sent to Rotorua for work and for four days I woke up to this stunning view, but now I think a bit of post-holidays blues have set in. I’m considering using this as my computer wallpaper, but in doing so I may run the risk of making myself even more blue! I […]