labneh cheesecakes

Little labneh cheesecakes: journey to wellness

These desserts are low fructose glasses of delight. Makes 4 individual cheesecakes. You will need to begin the labneh in this recipe the day before.



Goji berries and fresh mint make a lovely garnish.
Enjoy x

Journey To Wellness

“Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.” Soren Kierkegaard.


Our roaming home

This month has been a month of visitors. We have made a simple life for ourselves living on a beach in a decked out caravan. The horizon and the day yawns lazily before us each day and we try to fill the space, just our two bodies like little quotation marks on a big white page. It has been so nice to share this space with family and friends.

I have also loved the break from my personal routine. In an effort to strive toward the best possible version of myself I have unintentionally designed a fairly rigid program. I alternate running and weights, on the mornings I run, I try to lace up and hit the track as the sun peeks over the ranges.

Rediscovering my love for a long morning hike

The horizon yawns lazily before us each day and we try to fill the space, just our two bodies like little quotation marks on a big white page.

With friends here I have rediscovered the joy of long morning hikes and flow yoga on the beach which has jolted me out of my self imposed inflexibility. Yesterday while I wandered up, up, up through the sandstone ranges, I was amazed at how delightfully new everything seemed. My feet found a rhythm and my thoughts tried to catch up. Walking connected me to the landscape in a way that running through it does not come close to.

I noticed the sun ravaged tufts of native grass clinging to the rock like an old man’s hairy ears. I noticed the quality of light and the way the sun projected our strolling bodies like Giocometti figures on to the sand stone rocks. I noticed that my breath found a rhythm with my feet and my mind skimmed along whistling as though it was being let out to play. Which, I guess, it was.

Amazing walking country – Cape Range Ningaloo

I noticed the quality of light and the way the sun projected our strolling bodies like Giocometti figures on to the sand stone rocks

I made a commitment to running and I have achieved something that I once would have thought was impossible. I have become a runner. Somewhere in the pursuit of this though, I forgot the totally restorative powers of a long rambling walk. I forgot that some of the best conversations take place on a long walk, even if you are alone.  The mind likes to wander of its leash, and if you are walking, it feels free to roam.  Without pressure the mind is very capable of dazzling one’s self.

skulls and bones on the path

When we returned from our walk and sat over a pot of tea I noticed that I felt profoundly well and restored.

Routine is important for me, otherwise I slip back to my morning default position which is reading novels and drinking tea in bed. I need the routine but I also realise the importance of throwing off the program once in a while for a long hike. GM Trevelyan once said he had two doctors his left leg and his right. I think walking is an amazing medicine, both preventative and restorative.

May our legs be all the doctors we need on this journey to wellness.





Little labneh cheesecakes: journey to wellness

By: Bell Harding

These desserts are low fructose glasses of delight.


Prep time

Cook time



  • ½ cup sunflower seeds
  • ½ cup walnuts
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil
  • ½ tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp rice malt syrup


  • To make the bases, combine nuts and seeds in the food processor and pulse until the mixture resembles bread crumbs. Place in a large bowl with the remaining ingredients and stir to combine.
  • Press the mixture in to individual glasses or ramekins (or recycled jars if you are a funky hipster).


Tried this recipe? Mention @wellbeing_magazine or tag #wbrecipe!

Bell Harding

Bell Harding

Bell is wholefood cook and a barefoot gypsy. In search of a life less ordinary, she packed a tent and art supplies and took to the road. Seeking the dirt and poetry in the Australian landscape, she also discovered a path to wellness. Bell discovered what it means to be well by healing herself from weight gain and alcohol dependence. She draws on a professional career in cooking to create recipes that celebrate real food and shares her journey as a curious nomad.

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