Wheat Grass 200g Powder

Organic Wheat Grass 200g Powder — Synergy Natural

In today’s fast-paced world of over-refined, processed foods, we often don’t eat what’s best for us leaving us vulnerable to poor health and low energy. This is particularly true when it comes to fresh, green vegetables, essential in our diet for the supply of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, fibre and special nutrients like chlorophyll. Synergy Wheat Grass provides all these nutrients integrated by Nature into a natural balance and potency unmatched by synthetic formulations. It is the most potent, convenient, and affordable way to help achieve your 5 + daily servings of vegetables.

Weight for weight, Synergy Wheat Grass contains 300% the Calcium of milk, 800% more iron than spinach, 200% the fibre of bran, 24% protein (more than meat, fish, eggs or dairy).

Why Take Wheatgrass?

  • The major 18 vitamins, 20 minerals and 8 basic proteins required for proper body function.
  • A generous supply of Beta-carotene, important in the function of Vitamin A.
  • A rich supply of Chlorophyll, a natural detoxifier.
  • Over 80 minerals including Iron, Calcium and Potassium and the trace elements Zinc, Magnesium and Selenium.
  • A highly alkalising food that counters the over-acidity of many processed foods.

Lauren Moore

Lauren Moore

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