yoga practice

Start your New Year with yoga!

It’s a resolution we’ve probably heard before. Yoga is a perfect way to start off the new year. If you’ve practised yoga on and off, want to get more into your practice, are a newcomer or just want to know what all the fuss is about, here’s you chance. It’s the New Year and practising yoga is a resolution you can achieve easily!

Yoga for core strength

Yoga places great focus on the abdominal and core strength. However, there’s more to this than just achieving perfectly toned six pack. Your abdominals are literally your core – your centre – so it’s essential we keep this area strong.

Why do you do yoga?

As a recently certified yoga teacher, I’ve been thinking about what’s important in a yoga class. As a teacher, I think it’s important to understanding why your students are attending your class and what they want to get out of your class. All of this made me think about the varied reasons we do yoga.

Building blocks of success

I was once critical of using props in yoga. Admittedly, there was a bit of pride involved in it. Props were well and good for people that did not have the flexibility or perhaps had restrictions that did not allow them to hold the posture, but not I. I could already achieve the full benefits […]