Lactose intolerance (lactase deficiency)

Lactose intolerance in an inability to digest lactose, the sugar naturally found in milk. This is caused by a deficiency of lactase, an enzyme that splits lactose into glucose and galactose, for digestion. If a person with this intolerance consumes dairy products, lactose remains undigested and it ferments in the colon producing the symptoms seen in this disorder. Lactose intolerance is not a serious condition, and it can be easily managed with dietary modifications and enzyme supplementation.

Symptoms in adults: abdominal cramps, bloating, diarrhoea, flatulence.

Symptoms in infants: foamy diarrhoea, diaper rash, slow weight gain and development and vomiting.

Who to consult: Dietician, gastroenterologist, GP, herbalist, homoeopath, naturopath.

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