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Seasonal Pet Health

As the seasons change so too should the care you give your pet. Here are some top health tips to consider as we move through the year.

SUMMER: When walking your pet, check the surface of the footpath or road isn’t too hot and avoid walking in the middle of the day when the weather is warmest. Constantly monitor your pet’s water bowl to ensure it has access to fresh drinking water.

SPRING: As we head into peak paralysis tick and flea season, spring is a great time to ensure your pet is protected against these pesky parasites.

And of course, while you should groom your pet all year round, spring is a great time to clip your pet’s hair and do a thorough coat overhaul to ensure your pet is looking — and feeling — good.

WINTER: Change your pet’s exercise routine to ensure they’re not out walking too late at night or early in the morning, and consider a pet coat or jacket for those short-haired or senior pets who may be feeling the cold more than others.

AUTUMN: As we move toward the warmer weather, wash your pet blankets and check them for any signs of deterioration since they were last in use. Move your pet’s bed away from any draughts to ensure that your pet is comfortable as the cooler nights set in.

Finally, check your pet’s outdoor cover options to ensure there’s a leak-proof kennel or some kind of dry area for your pooch should he or she be left out in the rain.

Of course, all year-round we recommend feeding your pet a top-quality pet food to ensure optimal pet health. And, as always, if you have any health concerns, WellBeing PETS recommends a visit to your local veterinarian.

This pet health tip is brought to you by Nutrimate Pet Foods, producers of premium-quality, food-grade pet food. For more information, visit nutrimatepetfoods.com.au or phone 08 6161 7779.

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Lauren Mckeller

Lauren Mckeller

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