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Two pet health mistakes you never want to make

You love your four-legged friend and wouldn’t want anything bad to ever happen to him or her. Here are two pets health mistakes you never want to make.

  1. Failing to worm your fury mate: Pets need to be wormed every three months, with puppies wormed every two weeks until twelve weeks of age, then monthly until six months of age.
    The most common worms we see affecting pets in Australia are roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and tapeworm — and failure to prevent these can result in loss of appetite for your pooch, vomiting, diarrhoea or even death. Keeping your pet wormed will keep them safe.
    Heartworm is another worm that can cause serious damage for your pet. A monthly tablet or an annual preventative are available for this. Talk to your local vet for more information on the best choice for your pet.
  2. Failing to protect your pets from ticks: The paralysis tick can be fatal. The worst thing about these pesky critters is the speed of deterioration in your pet, with too many pet lost to these parasites every year.
    Protect your pet from paralysis ticks by using a preventative like NexGard SPECTRA. Conduct regular checks of your pet’s body, especially in summer, for any ticks, and keep an eye out for tell-tale symptoms such as weakness in the hind legs, vomiting, coughing and difficulty breathing. If your pets displays any of these symptoms, rush to your local vet.

Of course if you have any health-care concerns about your pet, WellBeing PETS recommends a visit to your local vet.

This pet health tip is brought to you by Nutrimate Pet Foods, producers of premium-quality, food-grade pet food. For more information, visit nutrimatepetfoods.com.au or phone 08 6161 7779.


Lauren Mckeller

Lauren Mckeller

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