Healthy Living

Today whilst running along the beach with the wind bellowing against my face (it was very windy) looking more like Robocop than an athlete due to all my running gear, I thought everyone who can do this could at least try it. Once you get fit enough to run without sounding like you have a chronic airway disease it’s extremely enjoyable. People smile at you when you pass them. Watching the waves rolling in is soothing and breathing in the salt air is rejuvenating (if you run by the sea). You view people enjoying themselves outdoors, playing with dogs, family activities, and the smell of barbeques. You feel alive, part of life. Interested?

What’s healthy living healthy running? It’s incorporating a healthy lifestyle to sustain and enjoy exercise. How can you get fit enough to run? I would recommend using a podcast. Most are based on the program from the cool running site. Cool running is a site for runners with information on everything thing you can think of in regards to running. There is an Australian and International site. I have copied the Australian site below. Please be mindful when you embark on a running program you actually don’t start with running but instead an easy jog. Over time your speed will increase naturally. You will find you cover greater distance the fitter you become. So just start off with a slow jog it’s not a race.

There are many free podcast available to down load on the internet. I use the Robert Ullreys podcast which I down loaded for free from iTunes. If you don’t have an iTunes account you can down load it from the net for free as well. I have copied the link below for those that don’t have ITunes account; it is quite slow to download, ITunes is quicker. The podcast then can be played on your iPod or mp3 player.

This podcast is the ‘couch to 5km’ in nine weeks (C25K for short) program from the cool running site put to music. It has a different running program for each of the nine weeks. All you need to do is listen to the music and run/jog and walk when instructed. There are other podcasts out there based on the same program that have no music if that’s what you prefer. It is just a matter or searching the internet.

You hate running but really enjoy walking

If this is you, you could still use all of the above information, even the podcast. Instead of running when it’s running time you would just walk as fast as you comfortably can. When the time comes to walk then you would walk at an easier pace allowing you to get your breath back. If you can’t talk when exercising then you slow down the pace.

Running Gear is part of Healthy Living Healthy Running

The other thing to be mindful of when embarking on running as an exercise is running- gear. You need really good running shoes or you will feel it in your knees and back. And if you’re a female then a really good supportive sports bra as well. If you don’t wear one the next day you will be sore. My sports bra I feel would stand strong even if the tectonic plates moved. Girls please find below link to another blog where I have written about the pros of having a good fitting sports bra.

Hydration is part of Healthy living healthy Running

So you have the podcast and the running gear what do you need next for healthy living healthy running? Proper hydration. I have copied the link below to a hydration calculator. This will aid recovery and blood will flow easily through your arteries and veins and muscle fibres will be flexible.

A Balanced diet is part of Healthy living healthy running

If you are not sure if you are eating a balanced diet, then see a naturopath. A balanced diet will included healthy mineral levels, omega 3, carbohydrates and complete protein. Complete protein is comprised of the essential amino acids our body needs from diet and cannot make. Fresh fruit and vegetables and the right amount of fluid intake. Nuts, seeds and legumes.

What nutrients are required for healthy living healthy running?

  • CQ10, Magnesium and Vitamin E aid recovery after exercise and will assist endurance. Please be mindful if you are taking medication for your heart or blood pressure please see a naturopath before starting Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin C reduces inflammation (sore stiff muscles you may have) and strengthens connective tissue plus it great for the immune system. It is needed to be taken at least twice a day when training. The powdered form is easier for the bigger doses needed when training.

As my mother would say I walk like an elephant needless to say when I run I give the tap dogs a run for their money with the noise I make. The vitamin C really helped with the soreness I felt in my joints as the program got harder. I was talking one double dose of a powdered form upon arising and then another two doses during the day. The powdered form I use also had bioflavonoids and beta-carotene in it.

Stretching is needed for healthy living healthy running

Finally there is stretching. Having done martial arts for many years I appreciate the benefits of stretching. A basic explanation why it’s required is exercise will shorten the muscle and stretching elongates the muscle. This benefits performance as the muscle size is restored allowing consistent and stronger technique. A book which I recommend to patients and has been around for a very long time is Stretching by Bob Anderson. You can buy this book online. If you do purchase this book its best to buy the spiral spine version as it’s much easier to work with.

Healthy Skin is part of healthy living healthy running

Really your skin needs looking after at all times but more so if you embark on a running program or any outdoor sport. It’s your largest organ, it absorb s and eliminates. You don’t want twenty years to have passed and have great legs, fantastic aerobic capability but look like a dried up old prune.

  • Use a good organic sun screen. They can be a little greasy compared to other non organic sunscreens so they are best applied before exposure. Some are not waterproof as they advise to reapply after swimming so always read the label.
  • Use an organic goat’s milk soap. Goat milk soaps are gentle on the skin. I am sure many of you have heard of someone who has had a skin issue that disappeared once they started to use a goat’s milk soap. I use one made by mammaearth. The ingredients are organic and it’s handmade. Their website is currently under construction. It’s still viewable but for ordering please call 0435 418 430.
  • Your scalp is also part of your skin. Be mindful of what you wash your hair with; there are great organic hair products out there. It’s a matter of finding the right product for you. Wear a hat to protect your scalp especially if your hair is thinning or use a good organic sunscreen if you have hair loss.
  • Oil is absorbed into the dermis (second layer of the skin) where as creams sit on the epidermis (first layer of the skin) preventing moisture loss which leads to dehydration of the skin. I use macadamian oil at night (you don’t need much) and a moisturiser during the day. The moisturiser I make myself, it comprised of jojoba oil, olive oil, Shea butter, beeswax, glycerine (plant based) and vitamin E with antioxidants and preservatives both which are also plant based.
  • And when you run make sure your Vitamin D is at a healthy level. Like selenium Vitamin D aids apoptosis. Apoptosis is programmed cell death. When cells no longer can perform the function they were designed for they are meant to cease in existence. When this process is mutated disease sets in. We want the cells that shouldn’t die to remain and those that shouldn’t remain to die. There are many forms of skin cancer and when running or participating in any outdoor sport you owe it to yourself to look after your skin and maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. If you have had lesions removed then it’s imperative to use sun screen. New skin is far more susceptible to burning and sun damage. Please find a link below which lists ideal levels for vitamin D. If your levels are low then please see a naturopath as you will need to take a boost dosage before taking a maintenance dosage.

Do you think you are capable but need a little bit of help?

Some people need a bit of motivation, others once they set their minds to something will start straight away. Some of us need to be highly motivated by others who offer much support along the way. We are all different.

Below is information for a self defence class. What does this have to do with Healthy Living for Healthy running you may ask? Well Sensei Stevenson who is one of the instructors running the course has had two kidney transplants the last transplant was last year. Prior to these endured years of dialysis. During these life challenges he found motivation to study and practise karate and other forms of martial arts. I feel it’s helpful to take inspiration from those who have faced great challenges when motivation is what’s lacking and I think self defence is important for everyone especially women. Some women have voiced concerns about their safety when walking or running. A self defence class may give confidence to those whose fear inhibits outdoor activities.



Learn the techniques and tactics that will assist you in a real life self-defence incident!

Richard Stevenson 3rd Dan and reality based instructor will lead you through the finer points of knowing when to use force in a real life situation. Richard has over 35 years’ experience in various martial arts.

Bruce Hyland 6th Dan karate instructor and coach, will lead you through his forty years of experience and teach you simple and effective self-defence tactics.

This reality based training seminar is not to be missed! Conducted over two hours you will come away with knowledge that will make you confident when you walk the streets!

Seaford Karate Dojo-44 Peninsula Blvd

Tuesday 26th July 7pm



Phone 0397823000 or 0403677496

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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