Wheat Free Vs Gluten Free Bread Allergy Intolerance

Wheat free, whole wheat and your health

Wheat free does not mean gluten free and it is important with all the food sensitivities these days to know the difference. It is important to eat a well-balanced healthy diet if you want to be healthy. Due to today’s fast lifestyles many people tend to opt for easy options when it comes to meals. These meals, unfortunately tend to consist of low-quality, factory farmed meats and plant based manufactured foods that are really bad for you. They are over processed with added vitamins and minerals. It just doesn’t work.

Wheat, enriched and fortified processed foods

Processed foods made with white flour, cereal, pasta and white bread are some popular foods that people turn to. They contain gluten and wheat and are frequently enriched and fortified. However, the nutrients were removed. They then add synthetic nutrients back in. Fortified foods contain other nutrients which were not originally in the food. This is to make the food appear more nutritious.

The problem with this food is that they contain cheap vitamins and minerals poorly absorbed by the body, or not absorbed at all. What a waste and misleading. Food in its natural form contains protein, fibre, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. These are all present for a reason. The nutrients work together harmoniously not just in the food but in our bodies. Adding the vitamins and minerals again will never have the same benefit as eating nutritious, whole grain foods.

Whole wheat grains

When it comes to whole grains the manufacturers trick us into believing that highly processed gluten, wheat flour, enriched white flour, and is an equal alternative to whole grain flour. It is not. White flour is devoid of all nutrients. When it is enriched with vitamins and minerals it improves shelf life. This makes it look like a healthy option. Compare whole grain wheat flour to white, enriched, unbleached flour and you will see that processing whole grain flour reduces the amount of all minerals, except iron. These are then added back in to the product to enrich the flour. The process makes the iron content slightly higher. The problem is that synthetic iron, ferric orthophosphate, is not easily absorbed by the body. Also the fibre content is dramatically reduced.

The advantage they say of whole wheat flour is that you are getting the natural synergy of all the nutrients together. This is the interaction of them which makes their effects on your body better. Consuming whole grains will in the long run keep you healthier.

Another concern with these enriched foods is their effect on blood sugar levels. Enriched products that lack whole grains tend to be higher on the glycaemic index. Foods made from whole grains tend to be lower on the glycaemic index.

Whole grain flours

The benefits of whole grain flour is that they contain higher amounts of fibre, protein, and fat. This slows down the digestive process and reduces the rate sugars enter the bloodstream. This helps to keep insulin levels in control and blood sugar balanced.

Gluten-free bad for you?

White flours and starches supplement whole grain flours in gluten free foods. Therefore, instead of just using whole grain flour like brown rice or buckwheat, they tend to cut corners by adding a less expensive white rice flour. This includes items like potato starch, tapioca starch, and corn starch. This makes these gluten-free products unhealthy. They also tend to be low in fibre, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. What they are high in is calories and simple carbs. The motivation for manufacturers to do this is simple, money. This is why it is important that if you are gluten intolerant, that you educate yourself make a healthier choice.

Eating enriched foods is not a healthy choice. The promise of added vitamins and minerals means the food is lacking that in the first place. Eating a healthy well-balanced diet is a choice that you can make. It will make an immediate difference in your overall health and in how you feel. If you are looking to improve your health by eating better, then you need to make smart choices.

Eating whole grains

When looking for products such as wheat or wheat free look for whole wheat options and avoid enriched white flour ones. Always check the packaging carefully. The packaging may say it contains whole grain wheat products but it could only contain a very small amount. If you eat gluten-free, find products with ingredients using whole grain flours or packaging that says 100% whole grain.

Making smart choices and being aware of manufacturer’s tricks is important if you are looking to eat a healthier diet. By educating yourself you will be able to make these choices and will feel and be healthier.

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management at 36 Gipps Road, Greystanes, and specialises in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta has just published a book called Stress-Free Health Management, A Natural Solution for Your Health available from your favourite bookstore or online. For more information and to get in touch, visit her website at Stressfree Management.

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