
Glaucoma is a condition characterised by increased pressure exerted by fluids within the eyeball. The pressure can damage the retina and optic nerve and result in vision loss or blindness.

Contributing factors: age>35, nearsightedness, high blood pressure.

Who to consult: Dietician, GP, herbalist, naturopath, optician, optometrist, ophthalmologist.

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Glaucoma is associated with elevated fluid pressure within the eye, which exerts pressure on the optic nerve and results in irreversible vision loss. People with glaucoma are usually asymptomatic until the disease reaches an advanced stage. In open angle glaucoma, although there is no obvious blockage, the drainage of fluid is insufficient to keep intraocular pressure normal. Closed-angle glaucoma is less common but more serious and involves the narrowing or hardening of channels that drain fluid from the eyes. Normal tension glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve without any obvious rise in intraocular pressure.

Risk factors: age>60, people of African ancestry, smoking, steroid use, diabetes, hypertension, myopia (nearsightedness) and a family history of glaucoma.

Symptoms of open-angle glaucoma: gradual loss of peripheral vision (leading to tunnel vision), decreased night vision, chronic headaches, seeing halos around light and frequently needing to change eye prescriptions.

Symptoms of closed-angle glaucoma: pain, poor vision and eventually blindness. Early signs include eye pain, blurred vision, seeing halos around lights.

Symptoms of an acute attack: throbbing eye pain, loss of peripheral vision, nausea, vomiting, dilated pupils and an increase in intraocular pressure. Symptoms have a rapid onset.

Who to consult: GP, herbalist, naturopath, ophthalmologist.

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