Natural therapies for headaches and migraines

At one point during our lives we will suffer from a headache or in other cases, a migraine. When a headache strikes, many turn to conventional drugs to combat and relieve pain. However, there are a range of natural therapies that seek out the root cause of the pain and aim to reduce the severity and overall occurrences of headaches or migraines.

What are headaches and migraines?
A migraine is typically a one-sided pain. It may last for four to 72 hours and can range from moderate to severe in intensity. Migraines can be associated with visual or sensory disturbances such as nausea, vomiting and irritability. On the other hand, a tension headache occurs on both sides of the head and is mild to moderate in intensity. They tend to be more constant than migraines.

Headaches are commonly seen as the result of irritation to nerves and pain-sensitive structures in the head or neck. A headache or migraine however, can also be caused by:

  • Poor dietary habits
  • Particular foods such as chocolate, alcohol, dairy, etc
  • Nervousness, fatigue and worrying. Stress can also be a cause and aggravating factor in headaches.
  • Hormonal factors can cause women to suffer from headaches.
  • Other factors such as poor postural or sleep habits, sinus problems and extreme weather can also cause headaches.

Natural therapies for headaches and migraines
Becoming aware and avoiding the triggers of a headache or migraine is the best way to ensure prevention. For instance, having a healthy and balanced diet and making time for relaxation to relieve stress is beneficial. However, there are also a range of beneficial natural therapies you can try to relieve a headache or migraine. Natural therapies can also be used to help prevent and reduce the re-occurrences of a migraine or headache.

Yoga can play an effective role in the treatment program for migraine or headache sufferers. Different postures may create varied results according to the individual. However, in general, yoga’s relaxation poses offer benefits for headache and migraine sufferers. Postures such as the flapping fish, the hare and tree pose are beneficial as they provide relaxation and stress relief, which can help alleviate the pain and intensity of a headache.

Massage therapy

Massage therapy helps to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders. This gives you a chance to relax and helps to relieve pain. If you are sensitive to smell, massage oils may aggravate the pain so be wary if oils are used.


Reflexology is another natural health option that can help relieve a headache. Reflexology can alleviate a headache by relieving muscle tension, offering stress relief, boosting nerve function and improving circulation. Reflexology works with the spinal, hand and foot reflex points which can help improve a headache.

Herbal medicine
Another natural health option for headaches and migraines includes herbal medicines such as feverfew leaves. Eating a leaf a day or taking a capsule or tablet can help prevent and provide relief for migraines and headaches.

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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