Prenatal yoga

Yoga offers not only the perfect chance to maintain health and fitness throughout your pregnancy, it is also a beneficial way to prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for birth and motherhood.

Yoga for an easy birth

The ease of your labour will depend on a variety of factors including your age, genetics and other conditions surrounding your labour. Prenatal yoga focuses on a series of postures that aim to help open the pelvis and position the baby for optimal birth results. Practising prenatal yoga does not necessarily guarantee an easy and smooth birth, but it will, however, condition your body and provide you with a range of skills to help transform your experience of labour.

Poses for yoga
Beneficial poses that focus on developing physical and mental strength are often taught in a prenatal yoga class. These postures in turn will be beneficial during labour. In particular, the Warrior Poses – Warrior II and Parsvakonasana – are beneficial for cultivating inner and physical strength. These postures help to build stamina and courage. It also allows a pregnant woman to stay focused on her breath and remain calm, even as she works her body strenuously.

Breathing and yoga

Another beneficial element of a prenatal yoga class is the breathing techniques taught. Many of yoga’s breathing techniques can be drawn upon during labour.

Yogic breathing, as taught in prenatal yoga classes, comes deep from the diaphragm and will help calm the mind and allow the woman to come to terms with the wide range of feelings she may experience during labour. Yoga’s ujjayi and bhramari breath work is used to centre the mind, aid relaxation and counteract stress. Long exhalations as taught in yogic breathing and the “om” chant also have a calming effect.


Relaxation poses such as the child pose allow for an opportunity to rest between postures. These recovery postures are similar to the short breaks between labour contractions. During the labour, the time between contractions offers an opportunity for conscious relaxation to allow the body to rest and prepare as the contractions intensify.  

Yoga poses for an active birth

There are a number of active birth positions that are actually yoga poses. Active birth positions refer to poses that assist uterine contractions by working with gravity, reducing pain and providing a greater pelvic opening. Active birth yoga poses include the squat, all fours catch stretch and the rocking lunge.

Prenatal yoga teaches effective methods of breathing, labour positions and helps encourage a positive and calm frame of mind during the birth. Although yoga does not necessarily guarantee a perfect birth, it can help a pregnant woman prepare for the challenges of childbirth.

If you are interested in undertaking a prenatal yoga class make sure you visit an instructor that specialises in this field. Regular yoga classes may not have the same special considerations and attention as found in a prenatal yoga class.

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