Are you tapped into the synchronicity of life?

Do you find life just happens to you or are you someone who finds the connections behind the scenes?

Did you know that everything in life happens for a reason and that there are no coincidences?  That’s right you heard me correctly there are no coincidences … ever.

Now this can have some pretty disastrous realizations.  Are you telling me that the awful situation I had last week at work with someone was meant to happen?  And that the credit card skimming that happened to me the other day was somehow drawn in by me?  And that the people I have around me and the situations around me are all my doing (aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhhh).

Well in a word … yes.  I know this concept at first can be pretty mind boggling.  How on earth could I be the sole creator of my experience including somewhat the actions of others and random experiences?

But have you ever noticed how some people just seem to have life easy.  They don’t have bad things happen and everything seems to flow for them in an effortless way?

When not so great things happen it’s a way of your soul giving you a gentle nudge to learn something (what on earth could I learn from having my wallet stolen I hear you say).  Well everything has a meaning behind why it happened and it’s not because these things happen.

What’s even more important is if you notice patterns of things happening.  Like you always have your stuff stolen, you often get into confrontational situations, you attract certain types of friends of partners or you have a lot of dramatic situations happening a lot of the time.

Patterns are another way we can see what sort of messages our soul and the universe are conspiring to teach us.  Problem is if we don’t get it the first time, it happens again and again and again until we finally do wake up one day and say why is this happening it must be something I am doing or thinking.

When you ask this question (or one similar) you change your life.  The day I asked myself why I kept attracting the same sort of men was the start to my journey into body psychotherapy and the last time I would have a dysfunctional relationship with “that” sort of guy.  I shortly after that met and married my husband who is nothing like “that” sort of guy. But if I hadn’t asked the question and realized it was me causing the problems I may have never met him.

We are the ultimate creators, the problem is some of the time (and a lot for some of us) we create unconsciously.  What that means is we are not consciously aware that we are asking for the things we are receiving.  And since 90% of thinking is subconscious that leaves a lot of room for error.

So have a close look at what you are getting in life and if it’s not what you want, if it’s not your heart’s desire, then you need to work on that.  You of all people deserve to have the life you want.  Making conscious your patterns, beliefs and negative thinking can stop bad things coming your way.  It’s all about taking responsibility for your life.

Shelley Viskovich

Shelley Viskovich

Shelley Viskovich works with clients across Australia helping them achieve a happier and more fulfilling life on all levels. Her expertise is in the area of change, breakthrough and transformation meaning she has the ability to pinpoint exactly what needs to change in your life and then gives you the tools you need to breakthrough old patterns, transform your life and be who you want to be.

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