
Live with gratitude

It’s just all too hard! Deciding to leave your job yet having to still go to work and give 100 per cent despite hating every minute takes a lot of energy. Over time this gets harder and harder and it starts to affect your health and your family. In my case, I was constantly late for work, I had migraines and stomach upsets and I felt lethargic most of the time. It got to a stage where I was so distressed about going to work that Sunday nights usually ended up with me curled up in bed almost in tears at the thought of going to work the next day.

My dream of leaving my job was just that – a dream. Nothing was happening, despite everything I tried – from positive affirmations, to visualisations and even taking action. I was still in a lot of debt and could not afford to leave my job.

I worked myself up so much that eventually I needed to take a month off work in order to get myself together.

It was during this time that I had one of my biggest breakthroughs. It hit me like a tonne of bricks! I realised that to me my job was the enemy: I wasn’t being grateful for my job  – or anything else in my life for that matter!

I keep a notebook on my bedside table and every night before I go to sleep I write down and feel grateful for at least five things in my life.

So, I sat down for a few hours and wrote down everything, and I mean everything, that my job had allowed me to do, have and experience over the years. Upon completion I was feeling so overwhelmed with gratitude that I was sobbing.

After that month, I went back to work with a whole new attitude and outlook. Since this change in focus, many doors have opened for me and my life has changed dramatically over the past year. Leaving my job is no longer a dream!

‘Thank you is the bridge from where you are now, to the life of your dream.’  ~ Rhonda Byrne

Are you being grateful? There are so many things to be grateful for and many ways to practise gratitude.

I keep a notebook on my bedside table and every night before I go to sleep I write down and feel grateful for at least five things in my life. I also say thank you to all the blessings I have in my life as I go about my day.

In her book The Magic, Rhonda Byrne has outlined “The Magic Formula”:       

  1. Deliberately think and say the magic words, thank you       
  2. The more you deliberately think and say the magic words, thank you, the more gratitude you feel       
  3. The more gratitude you deliberately think and feel, the more abundance you receive

Gratitude is a feeling. So the ultimate aim in practicing gratitude is to deliberately feel it as much as you can, because it’s the force of your feeling that accelerates the magic in your life.

I recommend that you practise being grateful today so that your tomorrows are filled with magic!

Georgette McHaileh

Georgette McHaileh

Georgette McHaileh is a success coach with a background in science and is passionate about natural health and wellbeing. She offers coaching to people who have lost direction and a sense of themselves. She has helped her clients discover a meaningful and fulfilling life filled with abundance and joy! She is a mum to two beautiful teenagers and the wife to her first and only love.

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