Frangipani Flowers

Sacred space in your home using Feng Shui

Sacred space is an area where you can feel calm, healthy, love and joy. Sacred space is not just about being in a spiritual building it is about creating an atmosphere in your life which makes you feel at peace. Creating sacred space is not just a detox for  your body but a complete spring cleaning to remove negative vibes and invite good energy. Good energy will take away feelings of being tired and sick and encourage productivity, better relationships and less arguments. 

Sometimes if you are going through a rough time it might be because you need an emotional and spiritual cleanse

Sometimes if you are going through a rough time it might be because you need an emotional and spiritual cleanse. There are different things you can do to cleanse your house.  Firstly start to de-clutter. Get rid of that pile of junk on the table. Stop just dumping things. Put them away.  Then look at the things you haven’t used in years and either sell them on E-bay, give them to a charity or simply throw them out. All those things you store up make your house cluttered, cramped and collect dust which can make you ill. It may take you a while but work through it room by room and you will soon see how great it feels to have a de-cluttered house.

Positive ions

Did you know you can buy negative ion generators that plug in and put negative ions throughout your house? Salt lamps have a similar effect. They revitalise the air in a similar way as the salt air does at the beach. This can make you feel more relaxed when awake and help you sleep better also. The change in mood creates a sacred space for you to sleep in.

Be creative

When was the last time you did something creative? Sung a song? Danced? Painted or sketched? All these things help increase your creativity, work on your second and fourth chakra and release good energy to your environment. When you have fun and do things you love it’s a detox spiritually – a complete spring cleaning to remove negative vibes and invite good energy. Good energy will take away feelings of being tired and sick and encourage productivity, better relationships and less arguments. As you do this your house will feel the vibes and the upliftment creating an area of sacred space for you to live in. 

It is impossible to feel sad or upset when you do something you love

It is impossible to feel sad or upset when you do something you love. Sage, lavender and sweet grass are purifying herbs. Burning a sage stick clears away negative energy and encourages the good energy to intensify. When you are walking through each room with the sage wave it clock wise and think about clearing away anything negative and sending it up to the universe. Make sure you go up and down in the corners several times and behind the couch and other places you can reach. Burning beeswax candles also releases negative ions as well as creating a warm yellow glow that will reduce your stress levels. Add some essential oils such as lavender and frankincense for stress relief or rose and geranium for hormone balance.

Feng Shui

These are just some of the things you can do around your home to create a sacred space, a sanctuary where you can relax and rejuvenate. The art of Feng Shui is about creating a sacred space both outside of yourself physically and inside your emotions with a peaceful mood. What is outside can also be a reflection of what is going on inside you and vice-versa so if you want to create a sacred space you need to look at both of these. Perhaps call in a Feng Shui expert to redesign the energy in your home and give you some tips of how to make it your own sacred sanctuary.

Check out some of my other articles for more Feng Shui information on how to create your sacred space. Go to  to find out how you can heal your stomach and third chakra using Feng Shui.


Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management at 36 Gipps Road, Greystanes, and specialises in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta has just published a book called Stress-Free Health Management, A Natural Solution for Your Health available from your favourite bookstore or online. For more information and to get in touch, visit her website at Stressfree Management.

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