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Mushroom Magic

Mushroom Magic

There’s something a little magical about mushrooms. Not only are they delicious, they’re also jam-packed with health benefits. Dive into the world of ’shrooms with these three tasty recipes.


Essential oils to relax, heal and rejuvenate you for summer

Essential oils have always help people heal and relax, diminish feelings of fatigue and anxiety. Many of them work as a stimulus for certain areas of the body and alleviate symptoms of distress. They can affect pars of the brain that control emotions, behaviour, motivation, long-term memory, and assist in lowering depression, anxiety, and self-doubt.

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How stress can lead to premature ageing

We live in a busy and fast-paced world and are juggling far more day-to-day than ever before. Supporting your nervous system is therefore fundamental for vibrant health, happiness and longevity.

healing benefits of cacao

5 healing benefits of cacao

We take a look at the powerful healing effects of cacao, from boosting your immune system to aiding with respiratory conditions.

Healing power of ocean

The healing power of the ocean

Oceans produce half of the world’s oxygen and absorb one-third of human-caused carbon dioxide emissions. Who doesn’t love a stroll on the beach or a swim in the waves? Being near the ocean provides a bounty of physical and psychological health benefits that you may not be aware of.

Fall In Love

How to fall in love again

Why is it that once new love fades in a romantic relationship, it can sometimes feel like you are sleeping with the enemy? We explore how you can renew your relationships, clear out the clutter of unresolved hurt and work through communication breakdowns.

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5 ways to care for your eyes naturally

Your eyes are often called the windows to your soul and, as human beings, we use our eyes to perceive the world and communicate thoughts and feelings. Our eyes send more unconscious social signals and communicate more about ourselves than any words we may utter. Yet eyes also perform vital physical functions so it is important to keep them healthy.


20 of the best plant-based probiotics and prebiotics

You know by now that a healthy microbiome (the bacteria in your gut) is essential to good health. Everyone knows yoghurt provides good gut bacteria but what if you don’t want to consume animal products or just have problems with dairy? To solve your dilemma, here are some plant-based probiotic — and prebiotic — foods plus some delicious recipes to get them into your diet.

How to balance PMS naturally through nutritional and lifestyle choices

Do you suffer from PMS? Here’s how to balance your symptoms naturally

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects millions of women Australia-wide and is one of the most common forms of hormonal imbalance in women of childbearing age. It varies in symptoms and degree from woman to woman but can significantly disrupt life. Thankfully, there are herbal, nutritional and lifestyle choices that can get your PMS into balance.