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Honey & Lemon Almond Cake

Honey & Lemon Almond Cake

This healthy gluten-free cake delivers plenty of dietary fibre to support gut and cardiovascular health, along with protein and calcium for bone health. You will also get a good dose of beneficial unsaturated fats, which are important for supporting healthy cardiovascular function and reducing high cholesterol levels.

Berry & Honeydew Avocado Salad with Tiger Nuts & Vinaigrette Dressing

Berry & Honeydew Avocado Salad with Tiger Nuts & Vinaigrette Dressing

Tiger nuts, also known as earth almonds, aren’t actually nuts. They’re tubers that have a chewy almond-like taste. Tiger nuts are a good source of protein and beneficial fats along with resistant starch fibre that acts as a prebiotic. Including tiger nuts with meals can help improve satiety and reduce blood-sugar level spikes.

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Breakfast Fruit Pizza

This is a delightful breakfast to share with the family. It jams a lot of protein, good fats and fibre into each slice and is easy to make ahead for a breakfast on the go.

adrenal fatigue

What is adrenal fatigue

Karen Bridgman shares a case study of a 40-year-old company executive and mother of two children who suffer from adrenal fatigue and shares the treatments and strategies she implemented to overcome and feel herself again.

Heart disease

Getting to the root of heart disease

What really causes heart disease? Dr Michael Elsteien gets to the roots of the cause, but now that we understand it better, will we change our behaviours to defuse this metabolic time bomb?

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The journey of “becoming” the mother

Understanding the changes that are occurring and honouring these with space, rest and support will ensure this journey of “becoming” the mother is a sacred rite of passage.

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Olive Tapenade

Olives are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, namely oleic acid, together with vitamin E and antioxidants that have an anti-inflammatory action to help support cardiovascular health.

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Let us take you down kisstory Lane

The passionate, open-mouthed “French” kiss is so pervasive in our media and our lives that it is easy to take it for granted. Here we take an intimate look at the history and biology of the romantic kiss.

coconut oil

Beauty benefits of coconut oil

Antioxidants are one of the best mitigators for reducing premature ageing and wrinkles, making coconut oil a great natural anti-ageing balm.

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What is “inflammageing” doing to your skin?

The beauty buzzword “inflammageing” refers to how excess inflammation accelerates the skin’s natural
ageing process. Based on the nature of contemporary lifestyles, “inflammageing” is probably happening to you right now. Discovering what chronic low-grade inflammation is doing to your skin and how to combat it is your most valuable ticket to maintaining a healthy, resilient and youthful complexion.

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Teriyaki Salmon Lettuce Cups

Salmon is one of the best sources of beneficial omega-3 essential fatty acids. These healthy fats are vital for brain function, memory, and they also support a healthy immune system. Omega-3s are very nourishing for the skin and joints and have a potent anti-inflammatory action.

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How to choose the best seafood

Inspired by regions on the coast, the Mediterranean diet is loaded with seafood options. Here’s how you can make healthy, affordable and sustainable choices.