yoga therapy

chakras healing energy vibration yoga spirit mind love beauty

What are the 7 chakras?

Think of your body like a car. You can’t run on just one wheel, everything needs to be functioning in harmony, otherwise you’ll be thrown off balance. The chakra system is just like this. Chakra literally translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit and this is exactly what they are – wheels that steer us through life. If one of the wheels are our out balance it affects the functioning of the whole body. Thankfully, this disharmony and dis-ease can be resolved by opening the chakras and restoring balance.

Yoga & Thoughts

“All things first originate in the mind. Things and events depend heavily on motivation” – Some yogic wisdom from The Dalai Lama I guess it’s true – I have to think about murdering my neighbours who drink excessively and argue at 3am, before I actually murder them…. Yours, Yoga Genie Chief Bloggist, Yoga Whatever…

Yoga for back pain

Yoga is a gentle way to help strengthen the body especially if you are suffer from back pain. Many yoga asanas focus on the spine and postural alignment. Many postures work to improve spinal strength and flexibility, making yoga perfect for back pain.