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Harvesting Seaweed

Is harvesting seaweed the solution to climate change

Many solutions are being promoted for tackling climate change. They range through planting trees to wind power and soil carbon sequestration. Yet one of the most promising is found in the ocean rather than on land. It involves the growing, and sometimes harvesting, of seaweed.

Plant Protein, Climate Change And Ageing

Plant protein, climate change and ageing

Want to learn how to make a difference to the planet with your diet? We take a look at plant protein for an eco-friendly diet and the links between climate change and ageing.


Climate change boosts hay fever

Spring is just around the corner and that means birds will be on the wing and snails will be on the thorn and by some estimates, that will mean all will be right with the world unless…you are one of the estimated 26 per cent of Australians who suffer from hay fever. That’s a lot […]