
Attention men – 60 and FABULOUS!

Older men are staying fit and healthierMen are staying fitter and sexier way into their old age these days. They are taking more pride in their appearance and the greying hair and bald head is looking sophisticated and distinguished on top of fitter, trimmer bodies. There are even competitions for older men who take pride in their appearance to go and ‘strut their stuff’, which is great news for us women.

An article in the New York Times a few years ago brought to light that many people, especially men in their 60s, are taking to amateur bodybuilding in America, shedding the pounds and winning trophies.

It outlined how Dr. Grossman was 5’2” and only 121 pounds. Although small, he was but one of the ever-growing 60- and 70-year-old bodybuilders putting on swimmers, bronzer and going on stage in natural drug-free competitions.

Last year, the World Natural Sports Organisation had 44 competitors older than 60. Contestants undergo a urinalysis and polygraph tests before they start events. This is just one of the many organisations overseas with people in this age bracket who’re choosing to get fit and stay fit!

The article goes on to say that “age is a statistic, not a burden, and there is no reason a man or woman can’t get into and maintain the best shape of their lives at any age”. Some older bodybuilders used to be weight lifters or wrestlers when they were young whilst others are fitness buffs or retirees who simply refuse to let themselves get old.

Although it is harder to build muscle later in life, it is possible, and if people like Ed Cole, who entered his first bodybuilding contest at age 71, can do it why can’t you? Mr Cole used to be overweight but after changing his diet, taking some vitamins and weight training for 90 minutes a day he is not only lighter but now a certified personal trainer.

The article went on to say that older bodybuilders were more disciplined; not just content to beef up but genuinely interested in improving their physique. Supplements play an important part for some and they get stuck into the creatine for strength, glutamine for muscle recovery and branch chain amino acids for muscle development.

There are fears however that some dietary supplements can be contaminated with androstenedione, which is converted in the body to testosterone. There is no way of knowing if that is true or not. For the most part, the older athletes insist that their physique is natural and steer clear of the drug scene.

These people train to look good in skimpy swimsuits and need 8-10 perfect poses which are judged on grace, muscle symmetry, definition and body shape, all done to a choreographed music routine. Must be amazing to watch…hey ladies?

Surprisingly, people like Melvin Cooper, 64, a father of seven and a Brooklyn pastor, who took to bodybuilding just two years ago, just won his first competition last year with one-handed push-ups for his finale. He goes to the gym three hours daily six times a week.

People like this love to get up in front of the crowd and at that age have overcome their boyish shyness enough to just get out there and do it. I have seen many men here in Sydney also who have not only aged gracefully but actually look great with their grey-to-whitish hair and good physique, which they’ve kept in check.

Keeping fit like these fellows not only keeps you looking sexy but gives you the edge on a lot of illnesses, by not putting the strain of extra weight on your heart and other muscles.

So where are you, Aussie guys in your 60s or 70s? Are you working on your fitness? It’s time to get up off the couch and show the world how Aussie men compete on the bodybuilding scene, as well as just how healthy, fit and sexy you can look at no matter what age. Go, Aussie, go!

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim

Jenetta Haim runs Stressfree Management at 36 Gipps Road, Greystanes, and specialises in assisting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on either a corporate or personal level to suit your needs. Jenetta has just published a book called Stress-Free Health Management, A Natural Solution for Your Health available from your favourite bookstore or online. For more information and to get in touch, visit her website at Stressfree Management.

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