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Discover what Saturn in Capricorn means for you

Saturn is the planet in astrology associated with time, tradition and things that last. Saturn also symbolises responsibility and can highlight necessary tests and challenges.

Astrologers watch the movement of Saturn through the zodiac to discover when changes in the collective are likely, and to decipher the personal ways in which we can each reorganise and simplify our lives.

Get grounded

On December 20, 2017, Saturn entered a new sign, Capricorn, where he’ll stay until December 2020. This creates a “double earth” energy. It promises more calm compared to the past three years, when Saturn was in the dynamic and restless fire sign of Sagittarius.

Saturn in Capricorn will slow down the hectic pace of life and help you find more moments of calm. Earth is an element about security, and you may focus on how to improve your financial position or choose to formalise relationships that really matter: for example, by moving in or getting married in a personal relationship or through signing off on a contract in a professional partnership.

When you slow down, you’ll naturally focus on the longer term. Moving more slowly can also help you avoid making a hasty or pressured choice. Security that protects you and your family long into the future may be on your mind, so you might delay extravagant experiences or extra costs to create a larger buffer — of time or money — as extra protection. You might also want to build up your cash and retirement accounts.

It’s time to take time

Along with this planetary movement, a deeper, more thoughtful energy emerges. This can help us all take the time to think things through and to create a plan before taking action.

Saturn in Capricorn represents maturity and can help you access the wisest part of your psyche. Since consolidation and restructuring will be hot topics, you may opt to play it safe rather than take risks. Saturn in Capricorn can be cautious and even conservative.

If you do have a major transition to organise, give yourself extra time to make a dream a reality, or consider a crossover period where you continue with your existing schedule while you build up the new.

Saturn, Pluto and profound transformation

Profound and permanent transformations are possible now as, in a rare combination of cycles, Saturn will join Pluto in Capricorn, a planet that represents the death and rebirth cycle. The link between Saturn and Pluto peaks in January 2020 and the seeds of any major transformation likely then are planted now, in 2018 and 2019.

Together, Saturn and Pluto send a message that it's time to change the old ways and update entrenched traditions for modern times.

Pluto is all about purging and detoxing life of anything that has become toxic, destructive or controlling. When Saturn and Pluto work together, dramatic endings can occur as your soul strives to liberate itself from a type of prison, whether that’s a literal, spiritual, emotional or financial prison. Along the way, foundations for new and lasting stability are created.

Collectively, we’ll see changes in established, traditional fields like banking, finance, politics and the legal industry and within any large or very old organisation, like the British Royal Family and other dynasties.

Together, Saturn and Pluto send a message that it’s time to change the old ways and update entrenched traditions for modern times.

Death and resurrection

Astrology is built on the tenet, “As above, so below”. As much as you see this profound transformation happening in society and culture, it’s even more important to seek ways to manifest the same themes of death and rebirth in your own life.

The more you embrace wisdom and make decisions from the most mature, grownup part of your psyche, the more you'll be able to shift, sort and reorganise.

Pluto represents the alchemical process by which one substance becomes something entirely different. If there is any area of your life you would like to radically and totally overhaul, the distinctive Saturn and Pluto combination can help you do so. You can prepare for the energy peak of January 2020 by starting to make small changes now in the areas of life that you want to become new again.

This year, 2018, gives you a chance to settle into the grounded vibration of Saturn in Capricorn. The more you embrace wisdom and make decisions from the most mature, grown-up part of your psyche, the more you’ll be able to shift, sort and reorganise. This ensures you have a great foundation from which to make long-lasting transformations.

Saturn in Capricorn and your sign

Each zodiac sign will respond differently to the cycle of Saturn in Capricorn. Here are tips for your sign, including the areas of life and topics most likely to be stirred up now. If you’re familiar with your personal astrology birth chart, it’s always ideal to read for your ascendant or rising sign in addition to reading for your sun or star sign.


New responsibilities at work or in your career may need your attention. Others may begin to recognise your wisdom and experience and you may be asked to step into a position of authority. Deep down, the longer trend of Saturn in Capricorn asks you to reflect on life direction and what you want from your life. Outside of your work, you may make adjustments to your plans so your top priorities get more of your best energy and attention. Your public profile is in the spotlight, so expect increased attention or scrutiny. It may be time to restructure your work life, or reorganise who does what and when at the office or in a business you run.


Your world view is reshaped thanks to Saturn in Capricorn. Travel, adventure and learning may feature in the coming three years, as each will provide a chance for you to update your perspective and check in with your beliefs. If you have been holding on to an old idea about yourself or your potential, Saturn in Capricorn can bring the reality check you need to keep growing. You might commit to finishing a study, teaching or writing project, or reorganise life to make a dream travel experience a reality. For you, Saturn in Capricorn may help you make a special wish come true through your own efforts. It’s OK to focus on living life to the full.


You may develop a more mature mindset regarding money, especially about long-term investing, such as for retirement, and managing taxes or debts. Saturn in Capricorn transits your eighth house, which is about money and what you do with it after you have earned it. Deeper insights about sharing money with a partner, at work or in your personal life may emerge. You may be honest about what you own and what you owe. As you gain clarity about your true financial position, you’ll be in a better position to make a realistic plan for the future. Take charge to create the financial security you want.


Partnerships of all kinds are highlighted by Saturn in Capricorn. You may crave more security within an important relationship. This might lead to you formalising a special connection, like through marriage or making it legal with a business partner. It might mean taking on a new responsibility with a significant other such as buying property or having children or, in the context of a business partner, taking on a loan together. Moving forward involves collaboration now so, even if it takes effort, working to find common ground and negotiate a plan for the future you can both agree on will be worth it.


Health, wellness and self-care rituals may come under scrutiny. If you have been burning the candle at both ends, you’ll be invited into a deeper relationship with your body. Developing a better understanding of time, and how much you can realistically do in a day, week or month, will be part of your process with Saturn in Capricorn. You might learn to set firmer and more nourishing boundaries around your schedule so that you take on commitments or duties that have meaning and then delegate or excuse yourself from tasks that drain you. You might find you say no to most of the demands on your time; but, in the end, this will help you devote yourself to the work and duties that really matter.


You may get serious about making time for fun or want time to enjoy the good life you have worked so hard for. Saturn in Capricorn might inspire you to sign up for season tickets to a sporting event or arts venue you love, or to be proactive about spending quality time with friends, children and loved ones. If you’re single, you might meet someone worth getting to know. Saturn can bring stability in your relationships with children or help you move forward with plans to conceive, adopt or generally get more involved in the lives of the children around you, such as with nieces and nephews. Even though it sounds contradictory, Saturn in Capricorn can help you prioritise relaxation and enjoyment.


New revelations about your past, childhood or upbringing may emerge, especially when Saturn and Pluto work together. Your relationship with your family is shifting and you may need to explore where your true loyalties lie, especially if you are juggling commitments to your own parents as well as to your children and partner. Family obligations can be important but, with Saturn in Capricorn, you might need to adjust who is responsible for what to better reflect current circumstances. Your home or living situation may also be up for review. You might make changes to your home with the long term in mind, such as upgrading to a more family-friendly home or downsizing if you’re now in a home that’s too large for your needs.


You’ve just begun a mental mastery cycle thanks to Saturn in Capricorn. This next three years will bring you new wisdom and give you the chance to improve your communication skills. You’ll get better at speaking your mind and sharing what’s in your heart. Writing, study and teaching opportunities are worth exploring, as you may crave new knowledge and insights. Travel, especially being busier with a work commute, is highlighted. Connections with siblings and friends may take more time as you strive to strengthen the bonds that matter most to you. Figuring out how to express yourself is the work of a lifetime, but your efforts to find the right words — or to assert yourself about causes and subjects dear to your heart — can lead you in a more authentic direction.


You’ll look to create more stability and security around finances with Saturn in Capricorn. This might involve negotiating a salary package that better reflects your true value or raising your rates in a business you run. In addition to working hard to increase your income, like offering to work extra hours or finally developing a side hustle, you’ll also be called to ensure you have an adequate long-term savings strategy in place. Saturn in your second house of money can help you better focus on financial realities and gives you the strength you need to set spending limits or savings goals. Depending on your situation, you might create a budget to pay off debt or save for a home or retirement.


You are in a heightened personal growth and self-development cycle. With Saturn in Capricorn, you are ready to shed the fears and worries of the old you and embrace a more confident and focused mindset. You will have a number of transitions in this three-year cycle, where you let go of people and obligations you have outgrown. Life may feel like it’s being pared back or simplified. Quality counts, even if that means you do less or have less going on. A passion project or personal goal may take priority, as you learn what it takes to truly put yourself first.


Rest, retreat and a break or longer sabbatical may feature as part of your personal Saturn-in-Capricorn experience. This cycle activates your hidden 12th house and you may realise you’re ready to end a longer involvement you have outgrown. If you feel weary or worn-out, take extra breaks. If you have a large project or deadline to manage, working alone or in a secluded setting can enhance productivity. You might spend more time by yourself, like the hermit, as Saturn in Capricorn creates an introspective influence for you. A spiritual quest may take on greater significance or you may explore the inner workings of your soul. Quiet time will support you on every level.


You may feel you’re on firmer footing with a close friend as Saturn in Capricorn stirs up your 11th house of friends and associations. You may also go through a pruning period, where you let go of acquaintances that aren’t genuine and distance yourself from people or organisations you have outgrown. Saturn can help you better manage your boundaries with others and refocus on the people and group projects that really matter to you. You might be asked to make a larger contribution to an organisation or charitable project close to your heart. Commitments to other people’s children may also become a bigger part of life.

Kelly Surtees

Kelly Surtees

With more than 14 years in private practice, Kelly Surtees is experienced, warm and insightful. She loves exploring astrology’s history as well as escaping into the ocean. Kelly’s passion for astrology is infectious, and her specialty areas include career and life direction, health and fertility, love, health and happiness. Kelly is an expat Aussie who lives in Canada most of the year.

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