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Native American Astrology

Native American Astrology

Native American astrology is linked to the seasonal cycles and uses animal totems linked to each of the 12 Moons for the year. These animals are known as your ‘birth totem’ and they are intimately connected to the seasonal energies.

Claire O’Rourke

Spend 10 minutes with Claire O’Rourke

Spend 10 minutes with our Paradigm Shifters, the people who are shaping the ideas that will take us into the future. Meet Claire O’Rourke, an author, environmentalist and advocate for helping Australians take action on climate change.

Kinder Parenting

How we can unlearn unconscious bias for kinder parenting

We all carry certain biases, whether we’re aware of them or not, and inevitably these biases get passed to our children. Teaching your children about inclusivity, kindness and compassion starts with examining your own implicit beliefs.

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Find your power story

The story that you tell yourself about who you are shapes your life. This means you are responsible for what is happening to you, but it also means you have the power to change your story, find your power and change your life.

Breaking up with a friend

How to know when to let a friend go

How do you know when a friendship is no longer working for you? We find out how to identify a toxic friend, and the best way to cleanse your social circle.

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For the love of animals

Since COVID-19 began, dog and cat adoptions increased by a whopping 250 percent worldwide. Caring for a pet can enhance your quality of life by easing loneliness and isolation, stimulating movement, boosting your mood, and more. We take a look.

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Living the wabi sabi life

Wabi sabi is a Japanese aesthetic that appreciates beauty in imperfection, simplicity and the passage of time. Find out how you can welcome wabi sabi into your life.


Writing your Story

Current research shows that writing about yourself in a positive sense is linked to better emotional and physical health. So what’s stopping you? It’s time to find the courage to put pen to paper and write your memoir.

how to boost your emotional immunity

How to boost your emotional immunity

The second decade of the 21st century has been the era of the jab. Arguably the most commonly used word during this time has, sadly, been “vaccination”. While to jab or not to jab has caused so much controversy and division, one thing we all desire is to be immune to the insidious COVID virus that caught the world by surprise. But while we acknowledge that we can choose to get shots to ward off diseases, is there a shot that can give us immunity from sadness and stress?

Japanese ikigai

The Japanese art of cultivating a purposeful life

What gets you out of bed each morning and propels you forward? Do you want to find more meaning in what you do? Discovering and living in alignment with your personal ikigai is a way to harness the Japanese secret to a meaningful, long and joy-filled life.