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A holistic approach to treating chronic pain

Chronic pain: What it is and how to treat it

Pain is a complex physical phenomenon that is intimately bound with emotions and mental states. When pain becomes chronic the consequences are far-reaching and profound. You don’t have to just mask pain though, as there are gentle yet powerful natural approaches that have proven positive effects in relieving chronic pain.

Mushroom Magic

Mushroom Magic

There’s something a little magical about mushrooms. Not only are they delicious, they’re also jam-packed with health benefits. Dive into the world of ’shrooms with these three tasty recipes.

Phycohealth Muesli

PhycoHealth Muesli

Seaweed muesli for breakfast can give you that protein satisfaction, plus gut healthy SeaFibres. All essential Amino Acids, B12, micro nutrients from the sea including iron, iodine, manganese and boron, SeaFibre glycans.

Hayley Pacific Harvest

Holistic living with Pacific Harvest

We sat down with Hayley from Pacific Harvest to chat all things Seaweed. Pacific Harvest are specialists in the supply of edible seaweeds. For over 18 years they’ve been trusted by the natural health and nutritional communities to bring a range of ethically sourced, food grade seaweeds in easy to use, everyday formats.

Potato Kale Hash

Kale & Potato Hash

Home cooking with kale and eggs. Kale contains high levels of sulphur compounds essential for liver detoxification of carcinogens. Eggs provide plenty of protein along with vitamin B12 needed for nerve function, and choline required to make acetylcholine, a brain chemical vital for enhancing memory. Eggs are also a source of vitamin D, needed for strong bones and optimal immune function.

Dukkha Labneh Balls

Dukkha Labneh Balls

For a wholesome breakfast with that takes no time to prep, Labneh delivers a delicious component to baked eggs while adding valuable calcium.