

Abuse: not acceptable anywhere

Often people are afraid to move on into the unknown so they tolerate the abusive partner or bully in their life. Another reason is that their self esteem has usually been eroded so low that they may even feel they deserve the abuse in some way. Some people don’t even realise they are being abused.

In these circumstances of abuse it becomes important for people to know how to let go. Friends, relatives, therapists can all assist you to leave the abuser. If it is in a love relationship or domestic situation – move out. If it’s bullying at work – quit your job and take appropriate action legally. Ask for compensation – you deserve it.

Men and relationships

Men and relationships

Many times men get blamed for not communicating when women do not put their boundaries in place and have the nerve to get up there and ask for what they want. The men are confused and walking on eggshells so to speak, in an effort to please their partner, when all she seems to do is nag and criticise. Our partners, whether they be men or women, were not put into the partnership to be a carbon copy of us or just to please us and the healthiest of relationships respects the other person’s differences whilst finding a middle ground on which to interact.


Relationships and healing

There must also be some agreement in the relationship from that time forth of mutual respect for each other’s feelings and boundaries and to have an honest relationship. This needs to be a commitment from both sides for it to work and becomes an ongoing process in your relationship. Some of the things that need to be said may in a sense be hurtful but it is better to clear the air than sweep it aside for it to fester again at another time.